TM 55-1520-238-S
228.20 Load Two Main Rotor Blades. Position the
remaining main rotor blade rack set holding two blades
Vertical stabilizer sling, air vehicle sling,
forward winching adapter cable, tail wheel
number two (fig. FO2).
steering bar, and disconnected hydraulic
cart and kneeling hose components will
228.21 Tiedown Helicopter Number One and Num-
be shipped with the helicopters. These
ber Two.
ground support equipment items are to be
wrapped and packaged per paragraph
Tiedown restraints will be tensioned
228.29 Tiedown Loose Helicopter Components
only enough to remove all free play.
Equipment. Install
Overtightened tiedowns will damage
5000pound tiedown straps on floorloaded Hellfire
helicopter structure.
launchers, guns, turrets, rocket launchers, main rotor
blade racks, horizontal stabilators, fairings, tail rotor
a. Tiedown Four Forward Fuselage Fit-
blade supports, and boxed ground support equipment.
tings. Install three 25,000pound tie-
Use enough tiedowns to secure these components to
down chains at each of forward fuselage
their cargo floor and ramp locations (fig. FO2).
tiedown fittings (two fittings per helicopter)
b. Tiedown
Cargo nets may be used in place of straps
to tiedown loose helicopter components
and ground support equipment.
Helicopter and component offloading from C141B will
To prevent structural damage to heli-
be performed in accordance with procedures outlined in
copters, tiedown chains shall pass
through FS 450 jack pad fitting.
Install two 10,000pound tiedown chains at
Components and Equipment. Unfasten and remove
FS 450 jackpad tiedown fittings (one fitting
tiedown straps from ramp and cargo floor locations of
per helicopter) (fig. 217).
fairings, tail rotor blade supports, guns, turrets, rocket
launchers, horizontal stabilators, main rotor blade
228.22 Load Four Tail Rotor Blades. Position two
racks, Hellfire launchers, and boxed ground support
tail rotor blade supports holding two blades each, on aft
end of cargo floor, under helicopter nose (fig. 27 and
229.2 Unload Ground Support Equipment.
Remove boxed ground support equipment from main
228.23 Level Main Loading Ramp. Remove auxil-
iary ramps and shoring. Raise main ramp to cargo floor
229.3 Unload Two 2.75 Inch Rocket Launch-
level (fig. FO2).
ers. Remove one packed rocket launcher from top of
228.24 Load Two Main Rotor Shaft Fairings. Posi-
each Hellfire launcher on main ramp.
tion two fairing packages on cargo floor, just aft of main
229.4 Unload Two Hellfire Launchers. Remove
ramp hinge (fig. FO2).
two packed launcher containers from main ramp.
228.25 Load Two Hellfire Launchers. Position two
229.5 Unload Two Main Rotor Shaft Fairings. Re-
packed Hellfire launcher containers on right side of main
move two fairing packages from main ramp.
ramp, in front of helicopter nose (fig. FO2).
229.6 Unload Four Tail Rotor Blades. Remove
228.26 Load Two 2.75 Inch Rocket Launchers.
two tail rotor blade supports from aft end of cargo floor,
under helicopter number two nose.
Position one packed 2.75 inch rocket launcher on each
loaded Hellfire launcher.
229.7 Unload Two Main Rotor Blades. Remove
one main rotor blade rack from left side of cargo floor,
228.27 Load Ramp Shoring and Ground Support
under helicopter number two.
Equipment to be Shipped. Position boxed ground
229.8 Unload Two M230 Guns. Remove two
support equipment and ramp shoring on main ramp,
packed gun containers from cargo floor, under helicop-
aft of main rotor shaft fairings and to left of Hellfire
ter number two.
launchers (fig. FO2).
Change 1
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