TM 55-1520-238-S
214.24 Load
a. Load Helicopter. Load helicopter num-
Position boxed ground support equipment right side of
ber five up right side of forward cargo ramp
forward cargo ramp (fig. FO1).
(fig. FO1).
214.25 Load Rocket Launchers. Position twelve
b. Stop Winching. Stop winching helicop-
boxed rocket launchers on left side of forward cargo
ter when main landing gear tires reach FS
ramp. (fig. FO1).
214.26 Tie Down Helicopters Number One Thru
Number Six.
When positioning helicopter number
five, extreme care must be taken to pre-
vent target acquisition designation
system (TADS) from contacting TADS
Tiedown restraints will be tensioned
of helicopter number three.
only enough to remove all free play.
Over tightened tiedowns will damage
c. Manually Position. Manually move heli-
helicopter structure.
copter aft until main gear reaches FS 1080.
a. Tie Down Twelve Forward Fuselage Fit-
214.18 Load Four Main Rotor Blades. Position
tings. Install three 25,000pound tie-
two main rotor blade rack sets holding two blades each
down chains at each forward fuselage fit-
ting (two fittings per helicopter) (fig. 217).
selage (fig. FO1).
214.19 Load Helicopter Number Six Tail
First. Load helicopter number six tail first using same
loading procedures used for helicopter number three
To prevent structural damage to heli-
a. Load Helicopter. Load helicopter num-
copters, tiedown chains shall pass
ber six up center of forward cargo ramp (fig.
through FS 450 jack pad fitting.
b. Tie Down Six Fuselage Tailboom Fit-
b. Winch Helicopter. Winch tail of helicop-
tings. Remove quickrelease pin holding
ter between helicopters number four and
each FS 450 jack pad wire deflector. Se-
number five.
cure wire deflector in open position. Install
two 10,000pound tiedown chains at each
c. Stop Winching. Stop winching helicop-
FS 450 jack pad tiedown fitting. Pass
ter when main landing gear tires reach FS
chains through fittings (one fitting per heli-
copter) (fig. 217).
d. Manually Position. Manually move heli-
c. Remove Wheel Chocks. Remove all
copter aft until main gear reaches FS 670.
chocks and secure to cargo floor.
214.20 Load Four Main Rotor Blades. Position
214.27 Tiedown TwentyFour Main Rotor Blades.
two main rotor blade rack sets holding two blades each
(fig. FO1).
214.21 Load Eight Hellfire Launchers. Position
four packed Hellfire launcher containers on left side of
cargo floor, left of helicopter number six. Place remain-
To prevent damage to rotor blade deice
ing four containers on top of first four (fig. FO1).
connectors, ensure that cargo straps
do not contact fittings.
214.22 Load
Position one stabilator on cargo floor, to right of the tail
Tiedown each main rotor blade rack set using four tie-
of helicopter number five and one under nose of helicop-
down straps as shown in figure 218.
ter number six (fig. FO1).
214.28 Tiedown Loose Helicopter Components
214.23 Load Shoring. Position shoring on right
Equipment. Install
side of cargo aircraft floor, beside helicopter number six
5000pound tiedown straps on floor-loaded compo-
(fig. FO1).
nents and ground support equipment (fig. FO1).
Change 1
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