TM 55-1520-238-S
a. Position Helicopter. Position helicopter
q. Stop Winching. Stop helicopter when
to left side of cargo compartment. Ensure
axle of main landing gear reaches FS 1380.
that left main landing gear tire is positioned
r. Apply Brakes. Apply helicopter brakes,
down BL 16L (fig. FO1).
place chocks, and install safety chains.
t. Remove Tail Wheel Steering Bar and
Ensure that winch cable does not
u. Disconnect Cables. Disconnect winching
contact previously loaded helicop-
cable from winching cable adapters and
ter components.
When winching helicopter number
winching cable adapters from helicopter.
four into position, extreme care
v. Release Brakes. Instruct brakeman to re-
must be taken to prevent windshield
lease brakes and dismount helicopter.
from contacting tail rotor blades of
helicopter number two.
Do not restrain helicopter for flight at this
b. Stop Winching. Stop winching helicop-
ter when main landing gear tires reach FS
1240 (fig. FO1).
214.13 Load Four Main Rotor Blades. Position
c. Move Helicopter. Manually move heli-
two main rotor blade rack sets holding two blades each
copter aft until main gear reaches FS 1265.
fuselage (fig. FO1).
214.16 Load Four Main Rotor Blades. Position
two main rotor blade rack sets holding two blades each
214.14 Load
Position two stabilators on cargo floor at front of helicop-
fuselage (fig. FO1).
ter number three (fig. FO1).
214.15 Load Helicopter Number Four Nose
214.17 Load Helicopter Number Five Nose
First. Load helicopter number four nose first using
First. Load helicopter number five nose first using
same loading procedures used for helicopter number
same loading procedures used for helicopter number
one (para 214.6) with following exceptions:
one (para 214.6) with following exceptions:
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