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TM 55-1520-238-S
b. Install Power Distributor and ADS
b. Install Landing Gear Cross Tube
Mast. TM 1 1520 238 23.  Obtain
End Caps. Obtain end caps from floor of
power distributor and ADS mast from pi
pilot station. Slide end caps into left and
ot station seat.
right ends of each main landing gear
cross tube. Aline holes in caps and cross
c. Install Main Transmission Right
tube, and install removed studs, washers,
Side Access Panel. Secure 12 camloc
and nuts. Torque nut to 60 70 Inch
fasteners at panel (R200).
ounds. Install new cotter pins (D-20)
2-16.13 Install Removed Fairings and Access
at unpinned nuts.
Panels (fig. 2-4). Obtain fairings and access
2-16.9 Install Two Tail Rotor Blades.
panels from catwalk area.
a. Identify Blades.
a. Install Wing Access Covers. Install
16 screws at each cover (LW9 and RW9).
b. Unstrap Blades. Unstrap two tail ro
or blades from each blade support (fig.
b. Install Wing Fairings. Install nine
screws at each fairing (LW10, RW10,
LW11, and RW11).
c. Install Tail Rotor Blades. Install two
upper tail rotor blades on helicopters
c. Install Forward Ammunition Feed
number one and five and two lower tail
Fairings. Secure 10 camloc fasteners
rotor blades on helicopter number three
at each fairing (L140 and R140).
(TM 1 1520 238 23 ). Use new PLI wash
d. Install Tailboom Aft Closeout Fair
r assemblies (D-21).
ings. Install 21 screws to secure fair
ngs (L545 and R545).
2-16.10 Install Horizontal Stabilators.
2-16.14 Install ADF Wire Antenna and UHF L
a. Remove Stabilator Actuator Sup
and,  Communications,  and  Transponder
ort. Remove nut, bolts, and washers
Blade Antennas. Install FM AM Whip Antenna
from support end fitting and actuator rod
(MWO 1 1520 238 50 37 installed) and Lower
end, and remove actuator support from
IFF Antenna (MWO 1 1520 238 50 36 installed)
stabilator airframe pivots. Retain rod end
(fig. 2 8).  Obtain ADF wire antenna from handle on
hardware (fig. 2-6).
aft storage bay (R330). Obtain blade antennas from
b. Install  Horizontal  Stabilator.
pilot station.
TM 1 1520 238 23 . Use new cotter pin
a. Install FM AM Whip Antenna. Attach
(D-16) for nut on stabilator pivot bolt and
lower half of antenna to upper half.
one cotter pin (D-19) for nut on stabilator
Torque antenna upper jam nut to 265
actuator rod end bolt.
INCH POUNDS and lockwire (D-27).
2-16.11 Install Main Rotor Blades.
Install antenna in vertical stabilizer
mounting bracket. Torque antenna lower
a. Unclamp Blades. Unclamp and re
jam nut to 650 INCH POUNDS and
ove two blades from each rack set (fig.
lockwire (D-27).
b. Install ADF Wire Antenna  Hook
b. Install Blades. TM 1 1520 238 23
ends of antenna onto standoff terminal
2-16.12 Install Main Rotor Deice Power Dis
spring ends.
ributor and Air Data System (ADS) Mast
c. Install  Blade  Antennas. Connect
each antenna plug to mating receptacle
under antenna flange. Aline antenna
a. Remove Main Transmission Right
flanges on fuselage and install six screws
Side Access Panel (R200). Release 12
at each location. Seal antenna flanges
camlock fasteners.
with sealant (D-12) applied between
edges of reinstalled antenna flanges and
mating fuselage skin.
d. Install Lower IFF Antenna. Attach
connector plug to antenna. Aline anten
Polarized internal 8 gage deicing
a to mounting bracket and install four
leads are tagged to indicate proper
reconnection.  Improperly  con
2-16.14.1 Install HF Communication Antenna
ected leads will cause electrical
malfunction or equipment damage.
(MWO 1 1520 238 50 60 installed) (fig. 2 8.1).
Change 8

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