TM 55-1520-238-S
a. Install HF Antenna.
2-16.15 Install Main Landing Gear Wire Cut
ers. TM 1 1520 238 23 Obtain wire cutters from
(1) Install both standoffs using four
floor of pilot station.
screws and washers.
2-16.16 Install 30MM Gun Wire Deflector.
(2) Connect three sections of antenna by
TM 1 1520 238 23 Obtain wire deflector from cat
lightly tightening junction nuts.
alk area.
2-16.17 Connect Helicopter Battery.
(3) While supporting antenna elements
TM 1 1520 238 23.
connect aft termination nut ot ter
2-16.18 Perform Pitot Static Test MOC.
TM 1 1500 204 23
(4) While supporting antenna elements
2-16.19 Inspect Helicopter. Perform 10 hour/14
connect forward termination nut to
day inspection (TM 1 1520 238 PMS).
2-16.20 Perform Maintenance Test Flight.
(5) o osition antenna elements on stand
TM 1 1520 238 MTF.
ffs and secure retaining brackets to
2-16.21 Refuel Helicopter.
TM 1 1520 238 23.
(6) i nstall lockwire on four screws secur
2-16.22 Perform Pylon Boresight Check.
ng retaining brackets.
TM 9 1230 476 20 1.
(7) Check antenna alignment for tension
2-16.23 Install 2.75 Inch Rocket Launchers.
and/or bending.
TM 9 1055 460 13&P.
(8) Torque aft and forward termination
2-16.24 Install Hellfire Launchers.
nuts to 330 360 inch pounds.
TM 9 1427 475 20.
2-16.25 Activate Armament As Required.
(9) Torque two junction nuts to 330 360
TM 9 1090 208 23 1 and TM 9 1427 475 20.
inch pounds.
Change 8
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