![]() (e) Secure the enclosure or the angle bracket
b. Cable Runs. Use shielded cable for the signal
to the wooden plate using the procedure in step a
leads and number 22 wire (MIL-W-76), or equivalent,
for the tamper loop and the case ground (as shown on
(2) To secure the wooden mounting plate to
blocks with a hollow core perform the following steps.
through the conduit between each enclosure and
(a) Drill four 1/4 inch holes in the wooden
allow a generous service loop at each enclosure to
mounting plate and position them to align with the
facilitate cable preparation and connection to the
center of the hollow core area of the blocks.
respective terminal boards.
(b) Using the wooden mounting plate as a
c. Lead Preparation. Prepare the cable lead ends
template, mark the hole locations to align with the
and fasten a crimp lug to each lead. Attach a
hollow core area of the block.
connecting lead and crimp lug to the shield of each
(c) Using a carbide tipped masonry drill (5/8
coaxial lead. Wires may be attached to terminals
inch dia.), drill four holes through to the hollow core.
without crimp lugs if desired.
(d) Anchor the wooden mounting plate to
the hollow cored blocks using four 10-24 threaded
pc boards to the processor and receiver enclosures
toggle bolts and flat washers.
using the reverse order of procedure in paragraph
(e) Secure the enclosure or the angle bracket
to the wooden mounting plate using the procedure in
e. Lead Connections. Connect the cable leads to
step a above.
the processor and the receiver screw type terminal
strips in accordance with the configuration used, as
secure the enclosure to the threaded holes in the
shown in interconnection data in figure FO-1 (located
angle bracket using two 8-32 x 3/16 inch long
at rear of manual).
machine screws.
For receivers served by a single processor. all the
2-12. Interconnection.
receiver single are parallel connected in one circuit
and all the tamper switches in both the processor and
a. General. Interconnect each enclosure with 1/2
the receivers are all connected in series.
inch conduit using standard electrical practices.
Reference figures 2-2 and FO-1 (located at rear of
f. Sync Pulse Signal Connection. W h e n t h e
manual) for conduit and interconnection configura-
processor/receiver ultrasonic passive signal is
operating in the same area as a pro-
cessor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal connect
Do not use unprotected pull boxes Use of pull boxes
the SYNC pulse signal as instructed in TM
(without tamper protection) on long conduit runs
exposes interconnecting wires.
Section IV.
2-13. General.
tamper switch circuit continuity, and the final
To maximize the signal-to-noise ratio for each
adjustment made of each receiver GAIN setting. If a
individual receiver, the processor SENSITIVITY
processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal is
control must `be set to accommodate the location
installed in conjunction with the processor/receiver
requiring the greatest sensitivity. The data recorded
ultrasonic passive signal the initial adjustment is
in the preliminary adjustments (para 2-8d(3)) for the
performed with the processor/transceiver ultrasonic
processor SENSITIVITY control setting is used for
motion signal in a non-operating state and the band
the final setting. When operating in the same area as
reject filter in the processor is bypassed. Following
a processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal, a
the final setting of each receiver GAIN control the
SYNC signal must be interconnected with the
processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal is
processor/receiver ultrasonic passive signal and the
activated and the band reject filter connected for a
band reject filter in the processor must be connected
final compatibility check.
into the circuit.
a. Tamper Circuit Test. This test involves the
use of two men, one to monitor the continuity
The processor will not operate properly if the band
reject filter circuit is connected. and no SYNC signal is
indicator and the second to move from unit to unit to
remove enclosure covers and verify the tamper
2-14. Equipment Test and Final Adjustment
switch operation and check the switch plunger
The equipment is now ready to be checked for
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