![]() (c) Detail C of figure 2-4 shows a 90 degree
punched conduit entrance locations.
mounting. When mounted at this angle the angle
(4) Using as 3/8 inch diameter drill, enlarge the
bracket is not used and the rear of the enclosure is
pilot hole(s) at the conduit entrance locations.
flush with mounting surface which requires two
(5) Using a 7/8 inch hole punch enlarge the 3/8
holes (symetrically spaced 33/8 inches apart) drilled
inch diameter hole. To facilitate the hole punch
using a 1/4 inch drill through the rear of the enclosure
operation, lubricate the drive screw threads and the
Drill the appropriate pair of enclosure
screw/die bearing surfaces.
mounting holes, using the indicated drill size, as
(6) Deburr all the holes and remove all metal
specified in step (6) above for the mounting config-
chips from the enclosure interior.
urations associated with each receiver location.
(8) Deburr all the holes and remove all metal
When the cover is removed from the receiver
chips from the enclosure interior.
and the microphone is exposed DO NOT
TOUCH the front of the microphone (gold-
2-11. Mounting Surfaces
plated cylinder) with any objects. Failure to
Securing the receiver and processor enclosures to
observe this caution can result in permanent
various types of mounting surfaces such as wood
damage to the microphone.
metal, or masonry, requires some ingenuity on the
part of the installer. Installations are not limited to
receiver enclosure, temporarily remove the pc board
the various suggested methods of approach that
(microphone attached) to prevent accidental damage
to them. Do not reinstall until enclosure is perma-
a. Wood. This type of mounting material presents
nently secured to the mounting surface, conduit is
the least difficulty. Position the enclosure in place.
permanently attached to the enclosure, and cables
considering adjacent approaches for ease in inter.-
have been run through the conduits.
connections. Using the enclosure mounting holes or
(1) Remove and retain the two 6-32 x 3/8 inch
the angle bracket mounting holes as a template,
long screws fastening the cover to the enclosure.
mark the mounting surface. Remove the template
and drill two holes (smaller than the number 12 wood
(2) Remove and retain the four 6-32 x 3/8 inch
long screws fastening the pc board (microphone
screws) in the mounting material. Secure the
attached) to the enclosure interior.
enclosure or the angle bracket in place using two
(3) Using a number 18 drill, drill one or two (as
number 12 x 3/4 inch long wood screws.
determined by the interconnection configuration)
b. Metal. These surfaces may consist of flat or
pilot holes through the enclosure at the center-
corrugated sheet metal, angle iron supports or steel
punched conduit entrance locations.
I-beams. Secure a convenient size wooden mounting
plate (3/4 inch thick plywood) to the metal surface
(4) Using a 3/8 inch diameter drill, enlarge the
using number 12 x 11/2 inch long sheet metal screws
pilot hole(s) at the conduit. entrance locations.
or construction type hanger clamps. Secure the
(5) Using a 7/8 inch hole punch enlarge the 3/8
inch diameter hole. To facilitate the hole punch
enclosure or the angle bracket to the wooden plate
operation, lubricate the drive screw threads and the
using the procedure in step a. above.
c. Masonry. These surfaces may consist of brick.
screw/die bearing surfaces.
solid concrete, or blocks with hollow cores. For both
(6) The mounting configuration selected (fig.
brick and solid concrete mounting surfaces, secure a
convenient size wooden mounting plate (3/4 inch thick
penetration (para. 2-8) will determine which pair of
plywood) to the masonry surface as follows:
centerpunched mounting holes require drilling.
(a) Detail A of figure 2-4 permits 0 degrees
(1) To secure the wooden mounting plate to
mounting. Use of the angle bracket as a spacer
brick or solid concrete, perform the following steps:
(a) Drill four 1/4 inch holes in each corner of
allows sufficient clearance for removing and install-
the wooden mounting plate 1 inch in from each side
ing the enclosure cover after mounting. This
(b) Using the wooden mounting plate as a
mounting configuration requires two holes (symetri-
template, mark the location of the four holes in the
cally spaced 4 3/8 inches apart) drilled using a 1/4 inch
brick or concrete wall.
drill through the left side of the enclosure.
(c) Using a carbide tipped masonry drill (1/2
(b) Detail B of figure 2-4 permits a 45 degree
inch dia.), drill four holes approximately 1 inch deep.
mounting. Use of the 45 degree angle bracket is
(d) Anchor the STAR TAP-IN in the
required and this mounting configuration requires
masonry and secure the wooden mounting plate in
two holes (symetrically spaced 33/8 inches apart)
the masonry using four G-20 x 11/2 inch long Screws
drilled using a No. 14 drill through the left side of the
and flat washers.
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