![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/2
NAVELEX 0967-LP-466-9021
TO 31S9-4-35-1, Chg 1
(7) Remove the multimeter test leads and
(1) Remove the cover (fig C-1) from the
reconnect the temporarily removed lead to termi-
processor and pull the tamper switch (fig. 1-1)
nal 5 of TB1 (fig. 1-1).
plunger out to complete the circuit in this en-
b. Processor/Receiver Ultrasonic Passive Sig-
(2) Temporarily remove the lead from termi-
nal Adjustment. Initial adjustments and checkout
nal 5 of TB1 (fig. 1-1) that goes to the J-SIIDS
is performed with the processor/transceiver
control unit.
ultrasonic motion signal (if used) disabled and
(3) Connect a multimeter (AN/USM-210 be-
the band rejection filter in the processor by passed.
tween terminals 2 and 5 of AB1 (fig. 1-1). With
(1) Connect the multimeter AN/USM-210)
the covers secured to all the receiver enclosures
positive lead to the MV (fig. 1-1) test point and
and the tamper switch plunger of the processor
the negative lead to signal ground (terminal 8 of
pulled out the continuity should be approximately
TB1, fig. 1-1). Set the multimeter to read D.C.
that indicated in table 2-2 for the wire size used
and the selector switch to 50V.
and the approximate cable run distance.
(2) Perform the applicable steps in para-
sor/receiver ultrasonic passive signal without the
The approximate resistance per 1000 feet
processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal
for various wire sizes is given in table
operating (if used) and then with the processor/
transceiver ultrasonic motion signal operating.
distance to each unit to account for com-
pleting the tamper loop.
2-15. Nuisance Alarms
If the processor/receiver ultrasonic passive sig-
Table 2-2. Wire Resistance Per 1000 Feet
nal experiences an excessive number of nuisance
Ohms Per
alarms the cause must be investigated. A probable
1000 feet
cause is sources and entry points of ultrasonic
energy in the protected area. Possible sources are
motors, fans, bells, buzzers, and horns operating
during periods when the area is secured. Pos-
sible entry points are ducts, vents, cracks in walls,
*Suggested wire size (MIL-W-76)
floors, ceilings, around windows and under doors,
and similar points where the flow of air or the
(4) Remove the enclosure cover unit (one at
wind may inject ultrasonic energy. As an aid in
a time) and verify that the continuity goes to
locating ultrasonic energy sources and entry
infinity (open circuit). The switch should open
points, a receiver with only its receive cable con-
with no less than 1/8 inch nor more than 1/4 inch
nected (receiver terminals 1 and 2) may be used
of cover displacement. If the switch fails to meet
as a "sniffer" in the conduction of a noise test,
these requirements report malfunction to direct
support (intermediate) maintenance. P u l l t h e
sniffer receiver throughout all parts of the pro-
tamper switch plunger out and verify that the
tected area one may locate points of excessive
continuity is complete and the resistance approxi-
ultrasonic energy. Cracks in floors, walls and
mates that of the established tamper circuit.
Fasten the cover to the enclosure and again verify
ceilings and around window and door frames
that the continuity is complete and the resistance
should be caulked and weather stripping around
approximates that of the tamper circuit.
doors and windows should be installed or replaced
(5) Repeat (4) above for each of the en-
as appropriate. Air conditioning and heating
ducts should be baffled. If such measures do not
(6) To simulate the cover on the processor
produce acceptable noise test results it may be
enclosure use a straight edge across opposite side
necessary to relocate some receivers and consider
of the enclosure to depress the tamper switch
adding receivers to the system with some or all
plunger (fig. 1-1). The switch plunger should
receivers having reduced GAIN settings. After
meet the same requirements as outlined in (4)
relocation or addition of a receiver the noise and
above. Verify that the continuity is complete and
simulated forced penetration tests must be
the resistance approximately that of the tamper
Change 1
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