![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/2
NAVELEX 0967-LP-466-9021
TO 3159-4-35-1, Chg 1
nent wire run routing will allow reuse of the
vided by the processor/transceiver ultrasonic
same wire during permanent interconnections.
motion signal), as instructed in TM 5-6360-262-
(a) Connect all the receive signal leads in
14/14, to terminal 7 of TB2 in the processor.
parallel using a single run of shielded cable as
Connect shields to signal ground, terminal 8 of
shown in figure 2-3.
TB2 in their respective enclosures.
(b) Run a single number 22 wire from
(b) Connect the appropriate jumpers in
terminal 9 of TB1 and TB2 of the processor to
the processor to insert the band rejection filter
terminal 9 of TB1 of all the receivers to insure a
into the circuit. Remove the jumper between
chassis ground between all enclosures.
terminals 2 and 3 of TB3 (fig. 1-1) and connect
two jumpers, one between terminals 1 and 2 and
(c) During the temporary interconnections
the second between terminals 3 and 4 of TB3.
of the processor/receiver ultrasonic passive signal
for final evaluation of the receiver locations it is
(c) Operate the processor/transceiver ul-
not necessary to connect the series loop tamper
trasonic motion signal and the processor-receiver
ultrasonic passive signal as instructed by TM
(d) Connect the multimeter (AN/USM-
5-6350-262-14/14 to verify that the processor does
not alarm.
210) to the MV test point and signal ground in
the processor as shown in figure 2-3.
(d) If the processor/receiver ultrasonic
(3) Perform the steps in paragraph 2-8c to
passive signal is installed in a building in which
evaluate the detection adequacy taking into con-
two or more ultrasonic motion signal processors
sideration the following conditions :
are operating, it is necessary to synchronize the
(a) Set the processor SENSITIVITY con-
ultrasonic motion signal processors as instructed
in TM 5-6350-262-14/14, para 2-18.
trol (fig. 1-1) to the highest level recorded when
performing individual location tests in paragraph
(5) Upon satisfactory results ( (c) above),
8c (4).
the processor and the receivers are ready for
(b) Set each receiver GAIN control in-
permanent installation. Remove power from the
itially to 1.
test setup, disconnect the test setup and the tem-
(c) At each receiver location, simulate a
porary interconnections to all receivers.
condition representing a forced penetration as
2-9. Enclosure Installation
outlined in paragraph 8c (2).
(d) If a simulated forced penetration is
Upon completion of the location test and pre-
detected, identify the receiver location and record
liminary control adjustment the receivers and the
the GAIN control setting for that location. Set
processor may be permanently secured in place.
the GAIN control to 1 and proceed to the next
The fastening hardware used will depend on the
material of the mounting structure (wood, metal
receiver location and repeat the same procedure
for that location until all receivers have been
or masonry).
2-10. Processor and Receiver Preparation
(e) If a simulated forced penetration is not
The conduit connection entrance holes in the pro-
detected, advance the receiver GAIN control to
cessor and the receiver must be drilled to suit the
the next higher setting and repeat (c) and (d)
individual configuration. The mounting holes in
the receiver must be drilled when this unit is
(f) Repeat the noise test as directed in
mounted in any one of the three angular planes
paragraph 2-8c (5).
(g) Set all the receiver GAIN controls to
is marked and identified for two conduit entrance
the settings that were recorded in (d) above and
hole locations and mounting holes (center punched
repeat the simulated forced penetration test as
indents). Not all enclosures will require two con-
outlined in paragraph 2-8c.
duit entrance holes. Determine which enclosures
(4) If the processor/receiver ultrasonic pas-
require two conduit entrance holes and which re-
sive signal is to be operated in conjunction with
quire only one. For enclosures which require only
the processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal
one entrance hole, determine which of the two
perform the following compatibility test.
marked holes should be used.
(a) Interconnect the SYNC pulse (pro-
Change 1
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