![]() TM 5-5430-209-12
(d) Insert bolts through ladder rails and plates (6).
(2) As the brackets are removed, install a washer
Install nuts on bolts protruding through plates. Tighten
on each bolt. Tighten the bolts.
bolts in the plates and rails. Remove the haul line.
(3) Check all bolts in the vertical seams for
8-22. Deck Guard
washers. Tighten any loose bolts.
8-23. Water Drawoff Valve
a. General. The deck guard consists of 36 steel
angle supports bolted in the outer bolt circle of the deck.
a. General. Refer to paragraph 3-21a for a
Two steel guard wires are threaded through holes in the
general description of the valve.
supports to form guard rails around the outer perimeter
b. Installation. Refer to paragraph 3-21b and
of the deck.
install the valve.
8-24. Tank Outlets (6-Inch, 8-Inch, and 12-Inch)
b. Installation.
(1) Measure 56 inches each way from the center
a. General. Each outlet consists of a fabricated
line of the access ladder. Install a support (10, fig. 8-
steel pipe elbow made up with an inside flange and a
58) at each of these points.
gasket installed inside the tank. An adapter made up
(2) Locate and install the remaining support in line
with a flange and a gasket is installed outside the tank.
with each vertical seam around the third ring.
The outlet end of the adapter is sealed with a cap held
(3) Attach the free end of wires (11) to a handrail
in place by a bolted split coupling. The adapter and
(9) and thread the wires through the holes in supports
elbow bolt together through the side of the tank.
(10). Follow around the deck and attach the wires to
b. Installation. The 6-, 8-, and 12-inch outlets are
opposite handrail (9).
installed in the same manner as the outlets for the 100-
c. Scaffold.
barrel tank. Refer to paragraph 3-22 and install the tank
(1) Remove the scaffold after the deck guard is
installed. Work from the top down.
8-25. General
8-28. Cleanout Cover
The inside of the tank must be cleaned and inspected,
and the tank must be test for leakage prior to installation
a. General. Refer to paragraph 3-27 for a general
of the cleanout cover. After installation of the cover the
description of the cleanout cover.
tank site must be cleaned.
b. Installation.
Refer to paragraph 3-27 and
8-26. Tank Cleaning and Inspection
install the cleanout cover.
8-29. Cleaning the Tank Site
Refer to paragraph 3-24 and clean and inspect the tank.
8-27. Water Test
Refer to paragraph 3-28 and clean the tank site.
Refer to paragraph 3-26 and test the tank for leaks.
8-30. General
79154............Victaulic Co of America
This section contains a list of component items for
3100 Hamilton Blvd
identifying individual components of the 10,000-barrel
South Plainfield, N.J 07080
capacity tank. Items required for reassembly of the tank
81348............Federal Specifications Promulgated
are listed as components of the re-erection kit and are
by General Services Administration
grouped at the end of the listing.
8-31. Component Items
81349............Military Specifications
97403............U.S. Army Mobility Research and
a. Refer to Table 8-1 for the listing of component
Development Center, Fort Belvoir,
Virginia 22060
b. The following is a list of Manufacturers Codes
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