TM 55-1520-238-S
b. Logistical Shipment
(7) Load boxed ground support equipment
on right side of trailer platform, between
(1) Unfasten and remove tiedown straps
area weapon turret and Hellfire launch-
from trailer platform locations of gun
and turret, Hellfire launchers, tail rotor
blade supports, horizontal stabilator,
fairings, boxed ground support equip-
ment and airride ballast.
Hydraulic cart and hoses, vertical stabiliz-
(2) Remove 2000pound ballast from for-
er and air vehicle slings will be shipped on
ward end of trailer.
trailer platform with helicopter. These sup-
(3) Remove boxed ground support equip-
port equipment items are to be wrapped
ment from right side of trailer platform.
and packaged per paragraph 212.
(4) Remove forward and aft ammunition
(8) Install 5,000pound tiedown straps on
feed fairings, access panel and wing
loaded horizontal stabilator, M230 gun,
fairing units from right side of trailer
access covers and fairings, gun turret,
Hellfire launchers, and boxed ground
(5) Remove horizontal stabilator from left
support equipment. Use enough tie-
side of trailer, under helicopter right en-
downs to secure these components to
gine exhaust.
their trailer platform locations.
(6) Remove two packaged tail rotor blades
418.5 (Logistical Shipment Only) Install Trailer
from left side, forward end of trailer.
(7) Remove one packed launcher contain-
suspension (fig. 43 or 44).
er from left side, forward end of trailer,
and one packed container from right
side of trailer under helicopter left en-
gine exhaust.
Trailer ballast is required for proper func-
(8) Remove packed turret container from
tion of truck airride suspension. Amount
right side of trailer under stowed heli-
of weight required will vary due to weight
copter stabilizer.
of helicopter and length of trailer.
(9) Remove packed gun container from
a. Install Ballast. Position 2000 pounds to-
right side, forward end of trailer.
tal weight of concrete, sandbags, or
419.2 Remove Tiedowns From Helicopter.
bagged lead shot on forward end of trailer.
a. Remove Vertical Stabilizer Support
b. Tie Down Ballast. Install 10,000pound
tiedown chains on installed ballast. Use
enough tiedowns to secure all ballast items
to their trailer forwardend locations.
For safety of helicopter on trailer plat-
form, air vehicle sling and crane will be
installed before releasing tiedowns.
b. Install Air Vehicle Sling.
Helicopter and component offloading from truck trailer
TM 1-1520-238-23.
will be performed in accordance with procedures out-
c. Remove Fuselage Tailboom Tie-
lined in paragraphs 419.1 thru 419.3 using figures
downs. Unfasten and remove two chains
from each fuselage station 450 tiedown fit-
commercial truck, or figure 45 for M270A1 military
ting tied to trailer platform. Close FS 450
jack pad wire deflector and secure with
quick release pin.
d. Remove
downs. Unfasten and remove two tie-
a. Tactical Shipment.
down chains from each forward fuselage
(1) Unfasten and remove tiedown straps
tiedown fitting tied to trailer platform.
from components and support equip-
e. Unfasten and Remove Trailer Tiedown
ment located on separate truck.
Fittings and Cables.
419.3 Unload
(2) Unload loose components and ground
support equipment from separate truck
using same manner as used for load-
a. Unlock Helicopter Tail Wheel.
Change 1
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