![]() TM 43-0002-31
b. Preferred Methods of Destruction. Mechanical
means, demolition, fire, and improper operation.
c. Mechanical Means. See paragraph 2-8.
Always bleed pressurized air from units
d. Demolition (para 2-11). Place the explosive
such as flamethrowers, riot control agent
charges as follows (fig 3-1). Detonate all charges at
dispersers, breathing apparatus pressure
same time.
cylinders, or other compressed gas cylin-
(1) Fasten 1-pound charge on engine
ders. Leave valves open after pressurized
air is bled from cylinders. Instant release
(2) Fasten 2-pound charge between compres-
of pressurized air or gas can cause death
sor cylinders.
or injury to personnel.
a. Priorities for Destruction:
(1) Agent tank and pressure regulator
(2) Gun group
(3) Hose group
b. Preferred Methods of Destruction. Mechanical
means, demolition, and fire.
d. Demolition (para 2-11).
(1) Fasten 1/2-pound explosive charge on top
of pressure regulator (fig 3-2).
(2) Tape, tie, or wire disperser gun next to
Figure 3-1. Explosive Charge Location for AN-M4
Series Compressor Unit.
e. Fire (para 2-14). Fasten and ignite incendiary
grenade on top of engine cylinders and compression
f. Improper Operation (para 2-20). Destroy
compressor as follows:
(1) Remove compressor air intake filters. Pour
sand or dirt into intake while compressor is running.
(2) Remove oil drain plug from oil pan assem-
bly of engine.
(3) Start engine and run it wide open.
3-4. Disperser, Riot Control Agent, Helicopter or
Vehicle-Mounted: M5.
Destroy filled riot control agent dispersers
Figure 3-2. Explosive Charge Location
downwind from personnel.
for M5 Disperser.
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