![]() TM 43-0002-31
b. Destruction by demolition requires careful plan-
ning and training to insure complete destruction of the
equipment. The way in which a demolition charge
(TM 9-1375-213-1 2) is placed can make the difference
between minor damage or complete destruction. Inex-
perienced operators using demolition materials impro-
perly can cause serious injuries or death to themselves
and/or nearby personnel. Personnel using demolition
materials must be thoroughly familiar with pertinent pro-
visions of AR 385-63, FM 5-25, and TM 9-1375-213-12.
Radiation hazard. Do not use mechani-
c. Demolition charges are used to destroy equip-
cal means, demolition, fire, gunfire, or
ment that cannot be damaged effectively by fire or
dumping in water to destroy radioactive
mechanical means. Demolition charges are most effec-
sources. Exposure to radiation from the
tive for destroying equipment when (1) there is time to
source may cause casualties or deaths.
place the charges in advance; (2) there are large stores
or heavy items of equipment to be destroyed; and (3)
Observe applicable surface danger zones
simultaneous destruction is planned.
specified in AR 385-63 for hazards from
d. Demolition is not effective for destroying small
incendiary grenades, flamethrowers, in-
items because they tend to scatter, possibly leaving
cendiary rockets, and demolitions or from
priority items undestroyed.
ricochets from gunfire.
e. Another disadvantage of this method is that it
requires units to carry explosives and demolition
Always drain wet cell batteries before
equipment. Further, personnel must be trained in the
using any method of destruction. Bat-
use of explosives in order to use them effectively and
teries contain corrosive electrolyte which
can cause severe burns.
2-10. Required Materials for Demolition. Mate-
Do not use dud ammunition for demolition
rials required for destruction of equipment by demolition
include demolition charges (explosives such as TNT,
tetrytol, or composition C4), detonating cord, firing de-
Verify burning rate of each roll of time fuse
vices, time fuses, and demolition accessories, kits, and
before use. Burning rates vary with differ-
sets. Descriptions and data on these demolition mate-
ent fuses and moisture content. Allow
rials are provided in TM 9-1375-213-12. The type and
enough time on installed time fuse for per-
size of demolition charge used may vary according to
sonnel to take cover.
the time and demolitions available and size of equip-
ment to be destroyed. Most chemical weapons and
Do not chew or swallow composition C4
defense equipment (except lightweight items) can be
explosive. Do not use composition C4 as
a heat source or breathe its fumes. Com-
easily destroyed by using 1/4-pound, 1/2-pound, or
1-pound blocks of TNT demolition charges.
position C4 is poisonous and gives off
poisonous fumes when detonated or
2-11. Procedures for Using Demolition. Proce-
dures for using demolition materials to destroy chemical
weapons and defense equipment are provided below
Keep blasting caps, detonating cord, and
only as a guide for planning these operations. Do not
time fuse separated from explosive
deviate from the detailed operating procedures in
charges until ready for use.
TM 9-1375-213-12. Observe all warnings therein.
Before firing demolition charges, clear all
friendly personnel from the surface
danger zone to prevent injury from flying
DEATH or severe wounds or burns may
fragments. (The surface danger zone is at
result if personnel fail to observe safety
least 200 meters and up to 500 meters,
depending upon the situation.)
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