![]() TM 9-258
through an angle of 1800, any ray of light entering it (fig
projecting point on the axis of a convex or concave
mirror or lens.
Triplet - A three-element compound lens with inner
Vertical travel - Movement of the line of sight of an
surfaces curved identically and cemented together
optical instrument or gun in a vertical plane.
Virtual base - The actual base or baseline of a range
True field of view - See field of view.
finder multiplied by the power of magnification of the
True North - Geographic north; the direction along the
Virtual image - The image formed by a diverging
geographical meridian of the geographic north pole from
a point on the earth's surface.
lens. It is formed by rays which come from the direction
Unit of correction - An arbitrary scale graduation as
of the image but do not originate in it.
laid off on the correction wedge scale of a range finder.
It cannot be thrown upon a screen. It exits only in the
Unit of error (UOE) - Unit of measurement
mind of the observer (fig 2-50). Similar image formed by
a converging lens if the object is inside one focal length
corresponding to 12 seconds of arc. When checking the
accuracy of an observer's readings of range, as
appears to be located behind the mirror (figs 2-40 and
determined by a range finder, it is necessary to have
some unit of measure. It has been determined by test
Vision persistence - See persistence of vision.
that the mean error of the normal, well-trained observer
Visual acuity - Acuteness or sharpness of sight.
under good conditions of observation should not exceed
12 seconds of arc for a series of readings, regardless of
It is measured by the ability to distinguish letters of
the range involved. This mean error is taken as the
specified size at a given distance.
Visual purple - A substance surrounding the light-
basis for determining the accuracy of range finder
readings. The unit of error (UOPE) is the unit of
sensitive visual cells in the retina of the eye and
measure arbitrarily selected and all errors in range
stimulating the rods for keener sight under poor light
readings are converted to this unit during analysis.
Velocity of light - The speed of light. It is numerically
Vitreous humor - A transparent, jelly-like substance
equal to the frequency multiplied by the wavelength. The
with which the rear and greater portion of the eye is filled
speed of light in vacuum equals 186,330 miles per
and which is part of the refracting mechanism of the eye
Vertex - Highest or lowest, the most or least
Walleye - See strabismus.
Wave - Vibration; a form of movement by which all
radiant energy of the electromagnetic spectrum is
assumed to travel (fig B-29).
Figure B-29. Waves and have fronts .
Wave front - A surface normal (at right angles) to a
plane; for rays diverging from or converging toward a
point, the wave front is spherical (fig B-29).
bundle of rays as they proceed from a source. The wave
Wavelength - Length of a wave measured from any
front passes through those parts of the waves which are
point on one wave to the corresponding point, in the
in the same phase and go in the same direction. For
same phase on the next wave; usually measured
parallel rays, the wave front is a
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