![]() TM 9-258
Standard letters - Letters of specific size which are
about by improper cooling or annealing during
manufacture of the glass.
viewed at specified distance (20 feet) to test the
Straie - Localized variations in the index of refraction
keenness of sight.
Stereoacuity - Keenness or sharpness of sight in
of a piece of optical glass, usually occurring in streaks. It
is caused by improper mixing of the ingredients during
discerning depth or three dimensions.
Stereovision See stereoscopic vision.
Sunshade - A tubular projection provided to protect
Stereogram - A card containing two pictures taken
the objective from the direct rays of the sun (fig 4-37).
from different angles (corresponding to the spacing
Surface plate - A plate having a very accurate plane
between the pupils of the eyes), which when viewed
surface used for testing other surfaces or to provide a
through a stereoscope present a single image with the
true surface for accurately locating testing fixtures. It is
illusion of depth or three dimensions.
Stereopsis - See stereoscopic vision.
usually mounted on three adjustable legs so that it can
be accurately leveled in a horizontal plane.
Stereoscope - A binocular instrument used to view
Tangent - A straight line which touches a curve or a
stereograms. See stereogram.
curved surface but does not cut in.
Stereoscopic contact - A term applied to the action of
Telescope - An optical instrument containing a
bringing the target into the same apparent distance plane
system of lenses, usually with magnifying power, which
as the central measuring mark (pip) of the reticle in the
renders distant objects more clearly visible by enlarging
use of a stereoscopic range finder.
their images on the retina of the eye, or which
See stereoscopic range finder.
superimposes a reticle pattern on the image of the object
Stereoscopic effect - The sense of depth, relief, or
to assist in aiming or in the gaging of distance (figs 5-6,
solidity resulting when an object is viewed by both eyes,
6-8, 5-9, and 5-13).
due to the fact that each eye views the object from a
Thermoplastic cement - Cement capable of being
slightly different angle (fig 3-7).
repeatedly softened by increase of temperature and
Similar effect produced when viewing a stereogram.
hardened by lowering of temperature, such as resin
See stereogram.
derived from Canada balsam. It is used because it has
Stereoscopic power - The gain in stereoscopic effect
approximately the same index of refraction as glass.
afforded by a magnifying binocular instrument as
See Canada balsam.
compared with the ability of the naked eyes. This power
Thermosetting cement - A clear, colorless cement
will vary with the separation of the objectives and the
used in cementing optical elements together, particularly
power of the instrument.
the components of a compound lens. It is used because
Stereoscopic range finder - A self-contained distance
it has approximately the same index of refraction as
measuring device operating on the principle of
glass. It changes into a substantially infusible product
triangulation, Images, observed from points of known
when cured under application of heat.
distance by the eyes, result in a sense of depth, and are
Toroidal (toric) lens - A lens having for one of its
made to appear in the same distance plane as the
surfaces a segment of a tore (the surface described by a
central measuring mark (pip) of the stereo reticle. See
circle or a curve rotating about a straight line in its own
stereoscopic contact.
plane). Used in spectacles to correct astigmatism of the
Stereoscopic vision - Vision in depth or three
eyes. See astigmatism.
dimensions due to the spacing of the eyes. This spacing
Total internal reflection - Reflection which takes
of the eyes permits them to see objects from slightly
place within a substance because the angle of indidence
different angles. An impression of the shape, depth, and
of light striking the boundary surface is in excess of the
position of an object with relation to other objects is
critical angle. See critical angle.
received when the brain fuses the two separate pictures
Tourmaline - A mineral that has the faculty of
seen by both eyes into a single image (fig 3-7).
Strabismus - Affection of the eye in which the lines of
polarizing light.
Trajectory - The curved path through the air
sight cannot be directed to the same object at once
described by a projectile in its flight (fig B-3).
because of abnormal contraction, relaxation of, or injury
Traverse - Movement in azimuth; rotation in a
to one or more of the muscles controlling the movement
horizontal plane. See azimuth.
of the eyeball. A condition of the eyes in which the lines
of sight tend to turn inwardly is known as convergent
Triple mirror prism - A prism with four triangular
strabismus, esophoria, crosseye, or squint. A condition
surfaces arranged like two triangular roofs placed at right
angles to one another. Three of the four surfaces are
of the eyes in which the lines of sight tend to turn
outward is known as divergent strabismus, exophoria, or
used as mirrors in reflecting light. This prism has the
property of deviating,
wall eye.
Strain - Distortion or fault in optical glass caused by
internal stress or tension and brought
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