![]() TM 9-258
protection, supply it with nutrition, shut out extraneous
3-3. Structure of the Eye.
light, and transmit visual impressions to the brain (fig 3-
a. The eye is an organ nearly spherical in shape,
2). It has a refracting mechanism consisting of the
approximately an inch in diameter which rotates through
crystalline lens, cornea, aqueous humor, and vitreous
quite a wide range in a socket in the bone structure of
humor; together, these form a compound lens. The
the head. Muscles control the eyes in associated
shape of the lens is changed by the ciliary muscles which
movements to a considerable extent and in individual
serve to change the focus of the lens. The iris serves as
movement to a lesser degree. Protection and shade are
a diaphragm to regulate the amount of incoming light
furnished by the eyelids, lashes, brows, and by the
configuration of bones.
b. The eye has three coats which afford it
Figure 3-2. Cross section of eyeball .
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