![]() TM 9-258
Figure B-21. Magnifying power .
Marginal rays - Rays of light near the edge of a lens.
Micrometer scale - An auxiliary scale used to read
Maser - Acronym for microwave amplification by
small angles or dimensions.
Micromicron - A unit of measure equalling one-
stimulated emission of radiation.
Measuring wedge - An optical element employed in a
millionth part of a micron.
Micromillimeter or millimicron - Terms applied to unit
range finder to deviate or displace light entering the
of measure equal to one-millionth part of a millimeter or
variable angle end of the instrument. One type consists
one-thousandth part of a micron.
of a single, perpendicular wedge which is moved in
Microna - A unit of measure equaling one--millionth
alinement with the path of light to shift or displace the
part of a meter or one-thousandth part of a millimeter.
light (fig 4-18). The other type consists of one or two
Mil (Artillery Mil) - A unit of angular measurement
pairs of circular wedges, each pair being capable of
rotating equally and simultaneously in opposite directions
used in Army military calculations. It is 1/6400th of a
about the axis of the path of light to produce variable
complete circle or very nearly the angle between two
deviation (fig 4-19). The wedges of both types are
lines which will enclose a distance of 1 meter at a range
compound elements corrected for color.
of 1,000 meters or 2 meters at a range of 2,000 meters
Medium (plural, media) - Any substance or space.
Meniscus - A lens the surfaces of which are curved
in the same direction.
The Navy mil and the French infantry mil
Meniscus converging lens - A lens the surfaces of
enclose exactly 1 meter at a range of 1,000
which are curved in the same direction; one surface is
meters. There are 6283.1853 Navy or French
convex, the other is concave. The convex surface has'
infantry mils in a complete circle.
the greater curvature or power (fig 4-1). Spectacle
Minus lens - A diverging lens. A lens with negative
lenses of this type are used to correct farsightedness,
focal length (focal point toward the object).
hypermetropia, or hyperopia (fig 3-11).
Minute - A unit of measurement of an angle equal to
Meniscus diverging lens - A lens the surfaces of
one-sixtieth of a degree.
which are curved in the same direction; one surface is
Mirror - A smooth, highly polished surface for
convex, the other is concave. The concave surface has
reflecting light. It may be plane or curved. Usually a thin
the greater curvature or power (fig 4-1). Spectacle
coating of silver or aluminum on glass constitutes the
lenses of this type are used to correct nearsightedness,
actual reflecting surface. When this surface is applied to
myopia (fig 3-10).
the front face of the glass, the mirror is termed a front
Micrometer - A mechanism for measuring small
surface mirror.
angles or dimensions. On optical instruments it is the
Monochromatic - Composed of one color.
"fine" scale.
Monocular - Pertaining to vision with one eye.
A term applied to optical instruments requiring the use of
only one eye
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