![]() TM 9-258
Line of position - See line of site.
Line of site A straight line extending from a gun or
Line of sight - Line of vision; optical axis of a
position-finding instrument to a point, especially a target
telescope or other observation instrument. Straight line
connecting the observer with the aiming point; the line
along which the sights are set in a gun, parallel to the
axis of the bore (fig B-6).
Figure B-20. Linear field
Lost motion - Motion of a mechanical part which is
Magnetic-grid declination - The angle between
not transmitted to connected or related parts. It is the
Magnetic North and Grid North (Y-North).
Magnetic needle - A magnetized needle used in a
cumulative result of backlash and end play.
Lumen - The amount of light falling on an area of 1
compass. When freely suspended, it will assume a
square foot, at 1 foot distance from a standard candle.
position parallel to the earth's magnetic lines of force
See standard candle.
which connect the magnetic poles.
Luminescence - Giving off light at a temperature
Magnetic North - The direction of the earth's north
below that of incandescence. The radiating of "cold" light
magnetic pole as indicated by the north-seeking end of a
as seen from fireflies or luminous paint.
magnetic needle.
Macula or yellow spot - A small area of the retina of
Magnification - The increase in the apparent size of
the eye which is highly sensitive to light and which is the
an object produced by an optical element or instrument.
Magnifying power - The ability of a lens, mirror, or
zone of the clearest and most distinct vision except for a
much smaller area at its center known as the fovea or
optical system to make an object appear larger (fig B-
fovea centralis. The macula is about 2 millimeters in
21). If an optical element or optical system makes an
diameter, and contains principally cones and only a few
object appear twice as high and twice as wide, the
rods (fig 3-2).
element or system is said to have a magnification of 2-
Magnesium fluoride - See hard coat.
power. The power of an optical instrument is the
Magnetic azimuth - Azimuth measured from
diameter of the entrance pupil divided by the diameter of
the exit pupil, the focal length of the objective divided by
Magnetic North.
Magnetic declination - The angle between True
the focal length of the eyepiece, or the apparent field of
view divided by the true field of view
North and Magnetic North
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