![]() TM 9-258
Dispersive lens - See diverging lens.
a power of 4 diopters. The lens with the shorter focal
Distortion - The aberration of a lens or lens system
length has the greater power in diopters. See prism
which causes objects to appear misshapen or deformed
Diopter movement - A term applied to adjustment of
when seen through the lens or lens system. This defect
the eyepiece of an instrument to provide accommodation
is known as "barrel-shaped" distortion when the center of
for eyesight variations of individual observers.
the field of view is enlarged with respect to the edges
Diopter scale - A scale usually found on the
and "hourglass" or "pincushion" distortion when the
focusing nut of the eyepiece of an optical instrument. It
edges are enlarged with respect to the center (fig 2-67).
measures the change in refracting power of the eyepiece
Wavy lines are sometimes produced by improperly
in diopters to introduce a correction to compensate for
shaped or polished windows, prisms, and mirrors. When
the-nearsightedness or farsightedness of the individual
caused by a lens, it is due to varying magnification of
observer. It permits presetting of the instrument if the
different parts of the image.
observer knows his diopter correction.: Dioptometer -
Diverge - In a lens, to deviate the light outward from
Precision instrument used in determining the diopter
a common center in different directions. As applied to
setting of another instrument.
the eyes, the action of the pupils being directed outward
Dioplopia - See double vision.
(Walleye vision) or in not being brought to a common
Discernible difference of convergence angles - The
Divergent lens - See diverging lens.
differences in the angles of view from the two eyes to
Diverging lens - Also known as divergent lens,
objects or parts of objects. These differences, although
negative lens, concave lens, dispersive lens. A lens
small, permit persons with normal, two-eyed vision to
which causes parallel light rays to spread out. One
distinguish which of two objects is farther away, making
surface of a diverging lens may be concavely spherical
stereoscopic vision possible without resorting to the other
factors which aid depth perception.
and the other plane (planoconcave), both may be
Dispersion - In optics, the separation of a beam of
concave (double concave) or one surface may be
concave and the other convex (concavo-convex
white light into its component colors as in passing
meniscus diverging). The diverging lens is always
through a prism (fig 2-51). See spectrum.
thicker at the edge than at the center (fig B-11).
Figure B-11. Diverging lenses.
Diverging meniscus lens - See meniscus diverging
Double right-angle Abbe prism - See Abbe prism.
Double vision -
Double concave lens - A lens with two concave
a. A malfunction of a binocular instrument
surfaces (fig 4-1).
causing two images to be seen separately instead of
Double convex lens - A lens with two convex
being fused. It is caused by the optical axes of the
surfaces (fig 4-1).
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