![]() TM 9-258
Converging meniscus lens - See meniscus
applies to the process whereby the rods of the retina
take over the major portion of the act of seeing.
converging lens.
Definition - Sharpness of focus: distinctness of
Convex - Rounded and bulging outwardly as the
outer surface of a sphere.
Deflection - A turning aside from a straight course.
Convex lens - See converging lens.
Convexo-concave lens - A lens with one convex
The horizontal clockwise angle from the line of fire to the
line of sight to the aiming point. A small horizontal
and one concave surface.
(traverse) angle by which a gun is aimed slightly away
Cornea - The transparent, slightly bulging front
from its target to allow for factors such as wind and drift.
surface of the eyeball through which all light enters
See drift.
Degree - A unit of measurement equal to the angle
Corrected lens - A compound lens, the various
between radii subtended by 1/360 of a circle.
surfaces of which have been so designed with respect to
Depth perception - The ability to see in depth or
each other that the lens is reasonably free from one or
three dimensions. In addition to stereoscopic vision, light
more aberrations.
Correction wedge - In range finders a rotating
and shade, perspective, convergence of the visual axes
of the two eyes, one object or part concealing another,
wedge-shaped element used to precisely divert the line
atmospheric haze, and apparent size are factors which
of sight to correct errors in the optical system caused by
aid depth perception.
temperature variations. In range finders, serves to
Deviation - Turning aside from a course; deflection;
supply a measuring factor correction for the constant
difference. In optics, the bending of light from its path.
deviation given one of the telescopes. The measuring
In gunfire, the distance from a point or center of impact
factor correction is read on a scale.
Correction window - End correction window. These
to the center of a target.
Dialyte - A type of compound lens in which the inner
are optical wedges of very small angles. They admit
surfaces of the two elements are ground to different
light, seal out dirt and moisture, and are so mounted that
curvatures to correct for aberrations and the dissimilar
they may be rotated to compensate for the accumulated
faces cannot be cemented together (fig 4-3). Gauss
errors in the entire system. Two are used as end
objective (para 4-3b).
windows on some range finders.
Critical angle - That angle at which light, about to
Diaphragm - A flanged or plain ring with a limited
pass from a medium of greater optical density, is
aperture placed in an optical system at any of several
refracted along the surface of the denser medium (fig 2-
points to cut off marginal rays of light not essential to the
field of view. Diaphragms are used as: field stops, to
34). When this angle is exceeded, the light is reflected
reduce aberrations; aperture stops, to limit the aperture
back into the denser medium. The critical angle varies
or light-gathering power of the instrument; and antiglare
Cross-eye - See strabismus.
diaphragms, to eliminate reflections from the sides of the
Crown glass - One of the two principal types of
tube and consequent glare in the field of view. Lens cells
optical glass; the other type is flint glass. Crown glass is
or the sides of the tube may act as diaphragms. The
harder than flint glass, has a lower index of refraction,
rays eliminated by diaphragms are those which would
and lower dispersion. See compound lens.
cause aberrations or glare and ghost images by
Crystalline lens - The flexible inner lens of the eye
reflection inside the instrument.
Dichromatism - See color blindness.
which provides accommodation for sharply focusing near
Diffusion - The scattering of light by reflection or
and distant objects (fig 3-2).
Curvature of field - See curvature of image.
transmission. Diffuse reflection and transmission result
Curvature of image - An aberration of a lens which
when light strikes an irregular surface such as a frosted
causes an image to be focused in a curved plane instead
window or the surface of a frosted light bulb. When light
of a flat one (A, fig 2-68).
is diffused, no definite image is formed.
Cylindrical lens - A lens having for one of its
Diopter - A unit of optical measurement which
surfaces a segment of a cylinder. Lenses ground in this
expresses the refractive power of a lens or prism. In a
manner are used in spectacles to correct astigmatism of
lens or lens system, it is equivalent to the reciprocal of
the eyes and in some of the coincidence range finders to
the focal length in meters. For example, if a lens has a
cause astigmatism by stretching points of light into lines
focal length of 25 centimeters, this figure converted into
of light.
meters would equal 1/4 meter. In as much as the
Dark-adapted - A term applied to the adjustment of
reciprocal of 1/4 equals 1 divided by 1 which equals 4,
such a lens would be said to have
the visual cells of the retina of the eye for better vision
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