TM 9-1375-213-12-1
included in the standard demolition
2-1. General
equipment sets are authorized for issue
in TM 9-1375-213-12.
quick reference. This checklist is a condensation
of the detailed operating instructions. Operators
(1) A 50-cap blasting machine. (Standard or
must be familiar with the detailed operating in-
structions in this chapter and use the checklist
(2) 500-foot (150 meters) lengths of electrical
only after being THOROUGHLY familiar with
power cable or type WD-1/TT telephone cable.
the detailed instructions.
(3) One reel for each 500 feet (150 meters) of
(4) One reeling machine.
Operators should be familiar with FM
(5) A pocket knife with screwdriver blade.
5-25 and TM 9-1375-213-12.
(6) A pair of pliers.
b. Two men will be required for handling and
(7) A roll of electrical insulation tape.
assembly of kit.
(8) A blasting galvanometers or a Test Set M51.
c. Operational characteristics are as follows:
Maximum number of closely spaced kits that
If available, a sallee closer (see RPSTL)
can be simultaneously fired to produce one
large crater ------------------------------------- 5
should be used to open (or resecure) wire-
Maximum number of widely spaced kits that
bound box loops. If a sallee closer or a
can be simultaneously fired for airfield
screwdriver and pliers is/are not avail-
pocking, etc. --------------------------------------- 15
able, the screwdriver blade of a cap crim-
Approximate time required to set up and fire
per may be used but NEVER use the
one kit (good conditions) (two men) -------- 5 min
crimper as a pliers or wire cutter. A knife
Approximate time required to set up and
simultaneously fire five closely spaced kits
blade will be used to cut nylon straps on
(good conditions) (two men) ----------------20 min
the demolition circuit wooden subpack. A
pair of tin snips or some other cutting tool
2-2. Precautions
will be required to remove steel strapping
Observe the precautions contained in section III,
if it has been used on the shipping con-
tainers (in overseas areas).
2-3. Preparation for Use
b. Deployment.
a. Locally Obtained Equipment. From local
sources, obtain the items listed below. Except for
Firing of the M180 kit at temperatures
the cable (a (2), below), these items are sufficient
above or below the firing temperature
for firing either a single kit or a multi-kit hookup.
limits can results in malfunctioning of
However, when operations call for simultaneous
the item. The firing temperature limits
firing of a number of kits located some distance
are 40F to + 130F (40C to 54C) fig.
from each other (e.g., as when pocking an airfield),
additional cable will be required.
To determine whether the temperature
Refer to table 2-2, Chapter 2, Section
of a kit lies outside the above safe tiring
II, for NSN's and packing information of
temperature limits, one cannot always go
material used in conjunction with the
by the thermometer reading alone. At low
demolition kits. The items which are not
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