TM 9-1375-213-12-1
of misfire, remove firing lead from test instru-
d. Prevention of Misfires. Care in connecting fir-
ment and short the conductors at firing location.
ing circuits will prevent most misfires.
1-12. Care
If necessary to work on firing lead(s)
These kits are packed to withstand conditions or-
or kit(s), temporarily reinstall each
dinarily encountered in the field. Each kit is in-
yellow-tagged safety plug and remove
dividually sealed within the shipping container to
each plug when work is completed.
provide adequate protection against moisture
during shipment and storage. Protect kits as fol-
(5) Take blasting machine and all previously
removed safety plugs and proceed to kit location.
a. Keep shipping containers from becoming bro-
While proceeding to kit location, visually check
ken or damaged.
field firing lead as follows:
b. Repair broken containers immediately and
(a) If an open circuit is indicated, operator
re-mark if original markings are illegible.
will check for cuts, breaks, or penetrating objects
c. Keep kits in original packing; unpack just
in the firing lead wires and for loose wire con-
prior to use.
d. The usual precautions taken to avoid expos-
(b) If there is no open circuit, operator will
ing ammunition to high temperatures in accord-
check for a possible short in the electrical circuit
ance with TM 9-1300-206 should be observed. For
or wire splices which are uninsulated or lying in
example, avoid long exposure of the kit to the hot
summer sun. Provide overhead cover with ven-
tilation, don't just place a tarpaulin over the kit.
(c) If a problem is found during
Allow approximately 18 inches (450 mm) of air-
v i s u a l inspection of field wire, install
space between the top of the kit and tarpaulin
each yellow-tagged safety plug and
being used for ventilation. The firing temperature
correct lead as necessary.
limits for the kit apply to the temperature limits
of the kit itself, not the temperature of the sur-
(6) If visual observation of the field firing lead
does not reveal the cause of misfire, insert
rounding air. Several hours of direct exposure of
safety plug(a), disconnect kit(s) from field
a strong summer sun can heat the kit to a tem-
firing lead at kit location and check field
perature well over its limit even though the air
firing lead for continuity. Replace or
temperature is well below the kit limit. Malfunc-
repair field firing lead, as necessary.
tion of the kit (especially its rocket) could result
(7) Check rest of electrical hookup as indicated
when it is operated beyond its limit. Storage in
in (6) above. Also check for loose continuity plug
unventilated shelter (such as a box car) can also
or electrical connectors. Correct as necessary.
raise component item's temperature well beyond
(8) After all corrections have been made:
that of the surrounding air in a strong summer
(a) Remove all yellow-tagged safety plugs.
(b) Count plugs to assure the number re-
moved agrees with the number of kits to be fired.
(c) Proceed to firing location.
1-13. Handling
(d) Unshort field firing lead, check for con-
tinuity with galvanometers or blasting cap test set,
Do not drop, throw, tumble or otherwise strike
and then attach to blasting machine.
demolition kits, packed or unpacked, Handle ex-
plosive materials carefully. The explosive material
(e) Again try to fire.
in blasting caps is particularly sensitive to shock
(9) If above action does not correct difficulty
and high temperature.
recover the kit(s) in accordance with paragraph
2-11 and return as unserviceable. Also have
Blasting Machine checked.
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