![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
KEY to figure 1-1:
1-4. Tabulated Data.
1. R/T Control C-8728/VVG-1(A75)-11738851
Refer to TM 9-2320-230-10-2-3 for physical and
2. Headrest Assembly-117349
system performance characteristics of the laser range
3. Laser Receiver-Transmitter R/T-1021/VVG-1(A76)-
4. Battery Power
Supply PP-6607/VVG-1(A78)-
5. Laser Ranging Commander's Control C-135/VVG-
6. Laser Power Supply Control C-9135/VVG-1(A77)-
a transmitter that develops and transmits the laser
1-5. Scope.
pulses, a receiver for receiving and converting the
This section contains the overall system functional
reflected light from the target to electrical signals, data
description and functional theory of the laser range
processing circuits and built-in test circuitry. In addition
finder. Paragraph 1-6 defines the purpose of this
to the laser and processing circuits. the system contains
section. Paragraph 1-7 contains the system functional
a R/T control unit which provides control over the
description and system functional block diagrams.
receiver-transmitter unit. and a commander's control unit
which controls the system and provides displays for the
theory with each self test discussed separately.
operator and a battery power supply unit which provides
additional power for operating the system. As depicted
1-6. Purpose.
by figure 1-2, all of the commander's controls are located
The purpose of this section is to familiarize personnel
on the commander's control and R/T control units. The
with the function of the laser range finder and its units.
laser range finder has four functions; control and display,
The information presented provides both a basic and a
power control and generation, transmitting-receiving and
detailed understanding of the laser range finder and aids
data processing. The control and display function
in the troubleshooting and repair of the system.
comprises all circuitry in the commander's control and
R/T control units. The control and display function
1-7. System Functional Description.
consists of the operator controls and indicators and the
a. General.
malfunction logic which assists in isolating malfunctions
that might occur in the system. The power control and
Signal nomenclature on all block and
generation function comprises the battery power supply
functional diagrams and schematics
unit, preregulator, and two printed circuit cards in the
expresses the "high" (true) state of
power supply control unit. These circuits generate -1600
the signal.
For example, reset
V for the photomultiplier tube (PMT), + 10 v for the light
indicates that the signal level is
emitting diodes (readout display), + 15V for biasing and
"high" when the condition is NOT
lights, + 5 V and -5 V for logic circuits, and +29 V for the
reset-that is, when the RESET switch
automatic gain control (agc) circuitry. Either the tank
has not been pressed.
power or the battery in the battery power supply unit
supplies the +24 V Q-switch motor power, depending
As shown in the block diagram (fig. 1-2) the laser
upon which has the higher voltage. The transmitting-
range finder operates upon control signals generated by
receiving function develops the laser pulse and converts
the commander's control and R/T control units. The
the reflected light from the target into a video signal. The
commander operates the laser range finder by using the
pulse forming network (PFN) charge power supply
RANGE and RESET switches. and the azimuth and
charges the PFN so that it can provide the large energy
elevation controls on the R/T control unit. In addition, a
requirement of the flashtube when it is fired. The PFN
RTCL ILLUM control on the R/T control unit provides
charge power supply applies the fire signal to the
control of reticle lighting for operations in low light
transmitter logic circuit card assembly. The transmitter
conditions. On the commander's control unit, the LASER
logic develops SCR trigger and reset signals and, under
control of the Q-switch magnetic pickup, drives the Q-
SELECTOR switches, test switch (TSW), and dimmer
switch in the transmitter component assembly. The
(DMR) switch are used. The laser range finder contains
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