![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
reset signals are split in two; the latter, manual reset
malfunction circuitry provides the capability to isolate
select, is applied only to the set logic card. The last
problems which occur in the system.
three signals (first, second. and last) control the counter
malfunctions are automatically detected. Then the MALF
selection logic circuits.
light is illuminated the type of malfunction will be
(2) R/T control unit. The R/T control unit consists of
indicated on the last numeral of the range (meters)
indicator. Malfunction indications and probable troubles
two switches. RANGE and RESET, with backlighted
are assigned as follows:
indicators. The RANGE switch is a pushbtutton type
switch which fires the laser. The RESET switch is also a
MALF 4 (Power Sup-
PFN Over charge
pushbutton type switch that resets the system prior to the
ply Control Unit)
PMT High Voltage
next ranging sequence after any ranging operation. The
PFN Charge (fire signal)
RESET switch has to be activated before the transmitter
MALF 3 (receiver-
A-Trigger and A-Trigger
canbe fired after the initial firing allowing system turn-on.
transmitter unit)
The R/T control unit also has two control knobs, azimuth
MALF 2 (Iower Sup-
Reply gating and
and elevation. These controls are used to center the
ply control Unit)
telescope on the target. A RTCL ILLUM control is
MALF 1 (Battery
Battery charger
provided to light the telescope reticle for low light
power supply unit)
(after lasing MALF 1 will not be present until
RESET switch on R/T control unit is pressed)
1-8. System Self-Test Function Theory.
a. General. The laser range finder contains two
The second category of self-test circuitry is used in the
categories of self-test circuitry. Malfunctions in four
test mode of operation; to provide comprehensive
specific area of the system are monitored during the
simulation of firing the laser and receiving up to four
operational mode --ON-- to provide indications of trouble
replies without actually transmitting a laser beam.
to the vehicle crew, and general clues to the trouble area
to the turret mechanic as well as the crew. The
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