![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
(1) Commander's control unit. The commander's
required for operation of the laser system. Such drops in
voltage may occur in operation because of heavy
control unit consists of the following circuits or
transient loads. The battery power supply unit consists
assemblies logic circuit card, readout circuitry assembly
of a power control circuit, a low voltage transient control
and an electronic component assembly.
circuit, the battery, the battery charge sensing circuit, a
commander's control unit provides the display status for
battery charger circuit, and a battery charger malfunction
the operator.
(a) Logic circuit. The logic circuit card consist
circuit. The power control circuit receives the +24.0 v
prime power from the tank via relay K1. The battery
of the circuitry for the RANGE RETURN SELECTOR
consists of 24 cells which supply + 29.0 volts to the
switches, the MALF indicator and test (TSW) switch.
system. The battery is charged by the battery charger
Then one of the RANGE RETURN SELECTOR switches
circuit whenever vehicle power is applied to the system.
is activated, this generates the appropriate range select
The low voltage transient control circuit detects when the
For example.
battery power supply unit should be switched in as the
SELECTOR 1 switch is activated, the first signal is
primary power source for the laser range finder. Vehicle
generated and sent to the select logic in the power
battery voltage below approximately + 22.0 V is
supply unit. The RANGE RETURN SELECTOR 1 switch
insufficient to bring the Q-switch in the transmitter
is illuminated indicating which switch was activated. The
component assembly to full speed. Therefore, the +
RANGE RETURN SELECTOR switches are momentary
24.0 V Q-switch line is connected through diodes in the
pushbutton type and each has lamp drivers with a
power supply control circuit to both the battery and the
latching circuit. The malfunction logic consists of hex
vehicle power line, so that the source with the higher
inverters which displays the appropriate malfunction
voltage always drives the Q-switch.
number (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the RANGE (METERS) indicator
The BAT LOW lamp on the front of the commander's
depending on what malfunction has occurred. The logic
control unit indicates (lights) when the battery voltage
circuit also contains the circuitry for the TSW switch
drops below approximately +24.0 V. Momentary high
which tests to see if the indicators on the front panel are
current loads, such as charging the PFN, can cause the
functioning properly (see table 2-1).
BAT LOW lamp to light. As soon as the battery voltage
(b) Readout circuit. The BCD ranges are
recovers to a voltage above approximately + 24.0 V.
applied to the readout circuit (Z1 thru Z8). Also, the
The BAT LOW lamp goes out. If the condition is allowed
range returns are applied to this circuit. The readout
to continue, it can reduce the battery life and negate the
circuit consists of the decoder/driver circuits and
emergency capability of the battery power supply unit.
numerical readouts. There is a decoder/driver circuit and
However, when operating at below 0F temperatures and
an numeric display for each readout on the RANGE
the BAT LOW lamp lights, it is permissible to range 10
(METERS) indicator and also for the RETURNS
times prior to recharging. The BAT LOW indication does
There are tour indicators (units, tens,
not mean that the system will not function properly.
hundreds and thousands) for the RANGE (METERS)
However, it is recommended that the battery be charged
indicator and one indicator for the RETURNS indicator.
at the first opportune time. The MALF 1 indication shows
The numeric display has seven segments, each segment
that the battery charging circuit is not operating properly
consisting of several diodes. Each display is a red
or that the battery temperature has fallen below -25 F.
numeric display (0 thru 9). The decoder/driver circuit
provides the appropriate input code for the display
The battery charging circuit malfunction circuit Q3 and
The decoder/driver circuit contains seven
Q5 detects a malfunction either in the battery charging
drivers suitable for driving the readout. The drivers are
circuit or as a temperature indication and causes the
controlled by a BCD decoding network which receives
MALF lamp to light. The BAT DR lamp warns that the
and processes the range and return signals and displays
laser range finder battery power supply unit battery is
them on the indicators.
supplying the power to operate the system. Continued
(c) Commander's control unit outputs. The
use of the system with the BAT DR lamp lighted will
outputs from the commander's control unit are the
negate the emergency capability of the battery power
following signals: test, manual reset, manual reset select,
supply unit.
first, second. and last. The test and test signals set
(c) Commanders Control Unit and R/T Control
logic circuits for the selected mode of operation. The
Unit Functional Operations. The commander's control
and R/T control units functional diagram is illustrated in
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