![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
cavity. At this time, in conjunction flashtube firing, a
assembly contains an amplifying stage. The A-trigger
signal is applied to an OR gate shared with the simulated
"giant" pulse of laser energy is emitted through the
A-trigger signal in the reply gating circuit card assembly
resonant reflector and the recollimating transmitter
located in the power supply unit.
(c) Boresight/field Stop Assembly.
(g) Malfunction
returns are focused by the objective lens into the penta
malfunction 3/buffer logic consists of signal drivers,
prism. This prism folds the laser return into the dichroic
buffers, and the malfunction 3 fault detection circuit. The
beam splitter. A small portion of the laser return is
malfunction 3/buffer logic includes drivers for the A-
trigger and video signals enroute to the interface circuit in
reflected by the beam splitter through a 0.75 milliradian
the power supply unit, receives the test range signal, and
field stop and the recollimating lens. This beam is then
also buffers the reset signal. The malfunction 3 circuit
folded through the 40 A bandpass filter and
consists of a flip-flop which is preset by the fire signal
enhancement prism to the PMT. Most of the visible light
when the laser is fired. When the laser is fired, the flip-
return passes straight through the dichroic beam splitter,
flop receives the A-trigger signal at the K input and the
reticle, and field lens. This beam then goes through the
video signal at the T input. If the A-trigger and video
derotation prism, and is folded through the safety filter
signals do not appear, the Q ouput (O) of the flip-flop
and into the eyepiece of the boresight telescope.
(d) Photomultiplier
stays low and causes the malf 3 signal to be generated.
The manual reset signal clears the flip-flop so the MALF
photomtultiplier chassis assembly consists of a PMT
indicator and the number "3" on the RANGE (METERS)
assembly and a bias network circuit card assembly. The
indicator goes off.
PMT assembly includes an enhancement prism that, by
(3) Battery power supply unit. The battery power
reflecting part of the light among several surfaces, has
supply unit contains a nickel-cadmium battery supply for
the effect of distributing the light over a large portion of
use as a backup to the prime power source during
the photosensitive surface of the PMT. The PMT bias
emergency conditions. A fully charged battery supply
network provides the necessary PMT dynode biasing
alone can provide the capability of 30 ranging pulses at
and supplies the interface for adding time programmed
70 15F and 10 ranging pulses down to a -20F
gain (tpg) and agc to control the amplification
characteristics of the PMT. Bias voltages as high as
temperature. Depending on the temperature the battery
-1600 V are applied to the PMT.
is subjected to during the charging process, charging to
capacity times will vary. At -25 F the charging circuitry
(e) Video Amplifier.
The video amplifier
amplifies the small signals from the PMT to the level
is deactivated by a temperature sensing transducer
needed to drive the logic circuitry in the data processing
(thermostatic switch) and the battery will not receive a
function. The video amplifier circuit consists of four
charge. This is done to protect the nickel-cadmium cell
linear amplifier stages with feedback circuitry. These are
from damage. To charge the battery whenever this
followed by a threshold circuit and output driver stage.
-25F low temperature condition exists for extended
An agc sensing circuit applies the agc detected signal to
periods of time, the battery power supply unit must be
the age control circuit in the photomultiplier chassis. The
removed and allowed to temperature stabilize above
video signal is applied to the reply gating circuit card
-25F before being charged.
assembly. A portion of the transmitted laser beam is
scattered by the scanning prism, through the receiver
The manufacture recommendation as
optics. to the PMT. The PMT amplifies the light and
to the number of complete charge-
applies a signal to the video amplifier. The video
discharge cycles permissible for this
amplifier amplifies the signal to form the A-trigger reply
battery is approximately 100 life
signal. The A-trigger reply signal establishes zero time
cycles. Battery power supply unit
for the range logic.
batteries approaching this limit may
(f) A-trigger assembly.
Data processing
exhibit some signs of deterioration by
requires that an instant before zero-time, when the laser
not holding a full charge for their
transmission pulse is emitted, a signal be generated to
nominal between-charge time.
set the counting circuits and enable various gates. This
is done by the A-trigger signal, which is developed by the
In operation this battery power source takes over
A-trigger sensor assembly and the A-trigger component
when tank voltage falls below the + 18.0 V minimum
assembly. The former consists only of a phototransistor
mounted on the A-trigger sensor assembly and is
positioned directly above the space between the
resonant reflector and the transmitter telescope, where
the phototransistor detects a portion of sidescattered
light from the beam when firing occurs. The latter
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