![]() C 1, TM 9-1240-369-34
transmitter component assembly contains the ruby rod
in response to minimum and maximum range citeria, and
and its flashtube. the transmitter optics (relay prisms,
provides range timing by means of a crystal oscillator
folding prisms, resonant reflector, and porro prism), and
and three counters. The reply gating card contains
the recollimating telescope. A rotating relay prism on the
nearly all circuitry for self-test, including a test oscillator
Q-switch actually controls development of the single
for development of continuous simulated A-trigger, video.
"giant" laser pulse, by creating for an instant an optical
and reset pulses to enable oscilloscope checks. These
resonant cavity (hence, by analogy to a magnetron
circuits (without the test oscillator) are used in test mode
cavity, the "Q" term ) while the flashtube is "pumping" the
operation to obtain simulated ranges for readout by
ruby rod. The resulting laser pulse is transmitted through
repeatedly pressing the RANGE switch to fill tile counter.
two transfer prisms and the scan prism to the target.
The select logic card controls the three counters. The
The returning pulses from the target are detected by a
counters card contains three identical counter, each of
photomultiplier tube and processed by the video
which consists of three decade counters for storing
amplifier. The data processing function stores range
binary coded decimal (BCD) ranges in thousands,
data for up to three targets that might be detected.
hundreds. and tens. A counter is not required for the
Timing is provided by the A-trigger sensor assembly and
units readout indicator, because it registers only 0 or 5.
the A-trigger reply utilizes a phototransistor that samples
The counters card also develops overrange and 9995
(counter full) signals used by the select logic and reply
the laser flash to start the counters. The malfunction
gating. Test circuits within the power supply unit monitor
3/buffer logic printed circuit card provides driving circuits
for the A-trigger and video signals and generates a
signals and produce malfunction signals which are
malfunction 3 signal. The interface circuits provide line
displayed on the RANGE (METERS) indicator when a
receivers for the test range signal and line drivers for the
malfunction occurs.
b. Receiver-transmitter Unit, Power Supply Control
A-trigger and video signals. An EVENTS counter in the
Unit and Battery Power Supply Unit Functional
receiver-transmitter unit counts each time the laser
flashtube is fired. Data processing is shared among four
printed circuit cards located in the power supply unit:
the receiver-transmitter unit power supply unit and
reply gating, select logic, counter, and an interface card.
battery power supply unit.
The reply gating card counts the replies, gates the video
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