TM 55-1520-238-S
g. Unload Helicopter. Remove chocks and
release helicopter brakes. Have load-
master slowly reelout cargo aircraft winch,
shore main wheels on ramp for underbelly
Ensure that cargo aircraft winch
hinge clearance, and carefully guide heli-
cable does not damage equipment
copter down loading ramp until tail wheel is
loaded on cargo aircraft floor.
on ground.
h. Disconnect Winch Cable. Disconnect
To prevent damage to helicopter and
winch cable from tail wheel winching yoke.
cargo aircraft, use shoring as nec-
essary under helicopter main and
i. Remove Tail Wheel Steering Bar and
tail wheels to provide clearance be-
tween helicopter underbelly and
215.11 Unload Four Main Rotor Blades. Remove
ramp hinge.
two main rotor blade rack sets from under helicopter
number five (fig. FO1).
b. Install Tail Wheel Steering Bar and
c. Position Shoring.
To prevent injury to personnel or
(1) Place step up shoring in cargo aircraft
damage to helicopter and cargo air-
craft in the event of winch failure, the
helicopter CPG station will be occu-
(2) Place
pied by a qualified person to operate
d. Connect Winch.
To prevent injury to personnel and
damage to helicopter and cargo air-
craft from helicopter rolling free,
chocks shall be in place and cargo
winch cable attached, with slack re-
Helicopters shall be restrained with
moved, prior to removing tiedown
winch during offloading. An unre-
strained helicopter may shift suddenly
or roll free, causing personnel injury or
equipment damage.
Connect cargo aircraft winch cable to heli-
Ensure that cargo aircraft winch
copter (para. 214.12d).
cable does not damage equipment
e. Assign Personnel. Assign loading team
loaded on cargo aircraft floor.
members to: monitor ramp crest, monitor
To prevent damage to helicopter and
overhead and sidewall clearances, operate
cargo aircraft, use shoring as nec-
tail wheel steering bar and operate helicop-
essary under helicopter main and
ter brakes.
tail wheels to provide clearance be-
f. Remove Tiedowns.
tween helicopter underbelly and
ramp hinge.
(1) Unfasten and remove two chains from
each FS 450 tiedown fitting (fig. 217).
Close FS 450 jack pad wire deflector
and secure with quick release pin.
b. Install Tail Wheel Steering Bar In Winch-
(2) Unfasten and remove three tiedown
c. Position Shoring. Place approach shor-
chains from each of two forward fuse-
ing on cargo ramp (para. 214.6c).
lage tiedown fittings (fig. 217).
Change 1
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