TM 5-6350-262-14/4
secure with 8.0-inch long spiral wrap.
(2) Compressed (closed) = normal position
(2) Twist single white wire and orange wire together
when cover is assembled to chassis.
(approximately one turn per inch); secure with 6.0-inch
(3) Extended (closed) = optional (fixed)
long spiral wrap.
setting obtained by pulling extension screw outward -
(3) Install three ties: one each approximately 1-inch
approximately 118 inch beyond position (1), above.
from- each end of spiral wrap; third one approximately
in center of bundle.
(4) Bend terminals 45 to 90 (from horizontal, after
Switch pings when detent is
6-16 Screw Fastener Replacement
When the switch is pushed in manually,
The need to replace screw fasteners
then released, the plunger spring automatically resets
normally will occur only through loss.
the switch to position (1)
To adjust the tamper switch plunger
Los or misplacement of attaching
extension, proceed as follows:
screws can be minimized by
(1) Push in, then release, the plunger
installing them loosely in the
extension screw.
assembly fitting from which they
(2) Measure projection of screw head beyond
were removed, until needed.
front edges of chassis
Replacement screw fasteners shall be
duplicates of the originals.
(3) If projection is not 3/16 inch, correct
6-17. Tamper Switch Plunger Adjustment
adjustment as follows:
The temper switch has three plunger
(a) Loosen locking nut.
(contact) positions:
(1) Free (open) = normal position when cover
Turn screw in or out, as required.
pressure is removed. (head of extension screw should
Tighten locking nut.
project approximately 3/16 inch beyond front edges of
(4) Check function of switch (para 2-c, as
applicable), or bench check (para 2-19c as applicable)
6-18. General
(4) Turn on dc power supply and adjust the
This section contains test procedures for use by direct
voltage to 20 1 vdc, turn power supply to OFF.
support maintenance personnel to check the overall
operation of the Magnetic Weapon Sensor. Test
(5) Refer to figures 2-2 and 5-2 and make the
procedures for the MWS should be performed after
following connections:
each authorized repair or replacement of any
(a) Make sure the dc power supply is
component to verify that the MWS will properly operate
turned OFF. Connect a lead between the positive
tests of the batteries, PWB Assembly and the input and
terminal of the power supply and terminal 7 of the SPU.
filter assembly are also contained in this section. The
MWS may also be functionally tested as described in
(b) Connect a lead between the
negative terminal of the power supply and terminal 8 of
6-19. MWS Bench Test
the SPU.
Test Equipment and Materials.
(c) Connect a lead between the chassis
(1) Voltohmineter, TS352 or equivalent.
ground of the power supply and terminal 9 of the SPU.
(2) D.C. Power Supply, 0 to 50 volts direct
(d) Set the voltohmmeter (VOM) to
measure resistance Connect the VOM leads to terminals
(3) Test Lead
6 and 6 of the SPU.
(4) Simulated gun rack (to be fabricated)
(6) Place the weapon in the simulated gun
(5) Rifle or metal rod to simulate a weapon.
(7) Install SPU cover lg.
(6) Electrical wire (AWG 16) MILW5086A.
Test Procedure.
Initial Test Pt7paration.
(1) Turn on de power supply and make sure
(1) Simulate a gun rack.
the voltage is 20 1 vdc.
(2) Locate the SPU on the test bench
(2) Allow 5 minutes for circuit to stabile The
Remove SPU cover (fig.
VOM should indicate less than 2K Ohms:
(3) Refer to paragraph 2-8d and install the
Loop Sensor and EOL Module. Refer to figure 1-2 for
Basic Loop Sensor Configuration.
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