TM 5-6350-262-14/4
(3) Remove cover from EOL Module and
(16) Repeat steps (14) and (15) at least twice.
disconnect one wire: this should cause tamper alarm.
(17) If steps (14) thru (16) do not result in
The VOM should change from an indication of less than
propel VOM indications (alarm outputs) perform the
2K Ohms to more than 100K Ohms.
follow- ing steps:
(4) Reconnect wire to EOL Module terminal;
Remove cover (observe tamper
the VOM should indicate less than 2K Ohms.
alarm output)
(5) Short the two EOL Module terminals: this
Turn SENSITIVITY screw index
should cause tamper alarm.
one position clockwise.
change from an indication of less than 2K Ohms to more
than OO1K Ohms.
Reinstall cover.
(Optional: pull
tamper switch plunger outward)
(6) Remove short across the EOL Module
terminals. The VOM should indicate less than 2K
Repeat steps (14), (15) and (16).
Step (17)(b) may be repeated five
Do not tighten EOL Module
times, once for each setting on
fastener to the point of deforming
SENSITIVITY scale (fi.241
cover or can. This could cause a
(18) Refer to table 6-1 for troubleshooting procedures if
short, and result in continuous
SENSITIVITY screw adjustment cannot be obtained.
tamper alarm output
(19) Reinstall SPU cover (if applicable) when a
(7) Reinstall cover on EOL Module and
SENSITIVITY setting is reached that produces a
consistent operational alarm.
(8) Loosen SPU cover screws and par ially
Upon successful completion of
remove cover: tamper alarm should occur when front
Steps I thru 19, bench test of the
surface of cover has been displaced about 3/16 inch
MWS hm been completed.
(1/8 minimum, 1/4 maximums The VOM should indicate
(20) Turn off power supply. Disconnect power supply
more than 100K Ohms
and the VOM test leads.
Disconnect bench test
hookup. Place the MWS components in supply stock or
(9) Reinstall cover and secure screws;
return components to an operational J-SIIDS installation
tamper alarm should cease. The VOM should indicate
and perform functional test (par 2-9 and 2-10)
less than 2K Ohms
6-20. Battery Test
Open circuit voltage reading for a new
(10) Turn off power supply. The VOM should
MWS battery should be 1.35 volts.
change from an indication of less than 2K Ohms to more
A battery that indicates 1.1 volts or less is
than OO1K Ohms.(tamper alarm,
(11) Remove the VOM leads and place them
A battery that has been in service 36
on terminals 5 and 6 of the SPU.
months will be replaced.
6-21. Loop Sensor Test
(12) Turn on power supply. Adjust voltage for
The functional tests in paragraphs 2-9 and
20_1 vdc Allow 5 minutes for circuits to stabilize. Turn
off power supply. The VOM should change from an
indication of less than 2K Ohms to more than 100K
In some instances, it may be desirable to
Ohms (Operational Alarm,
know that the loop sensor wire is intact. Then, a
continuity (resistance) check of the wire would be in
(13) Turn on power supply and allow 5 minutes
order. A reading of 5 Ohms or less would show that any
for circuits to stabilize.
apparent defect lies in another part of the circuit.
(14) Remove test weapon from the rack.
6-22. PWB Assembly Test
The VOM should change from an indication of less than
2K Ohms to more than 100K Ohms and return to less
terminals 1 and 2 (or 5 and 6) are definitive for no
than 2K Ohms The 100K,KOhms indication on the VOM
alarm/alarm conditions
will last between .5 second and 5 seconds (Operational
The proper values are less than 2K Ohms
for no alarm and greater than 1OOK Ohms for an alarm
(15) Wait at least 15 seconds, then replace
6-23. Input and Filter Assembly Test
test weapon in its rack. The VOM should change from
Serviceability of the Input and Filter
an indication of less than 2K Ohms to more than 100K
Assembly circuitry can be determined as follows:
Ohms and return to less than 2K Ohms The 100K Ohms
(1) When the SPU is operating, check the
indication on the VOM will last between .6 second and 5
output of the loop monitor signal generated with an
seconds (Operational Alarm)
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