![]() (2) Connect the appropriate leads (identified by
attached) to the enclosure. Remove the PC board.
tags) to terminals on terminal boards TB1 and TB2.
(1) Orient the PC board so that the terminal
Readjust the processor SENSITIVITY control and the
board (TB1) is adjacent to the conduit entrance.
receiver GAIN control as outlined in paragraph 2-14.
Secure the PC board to the enclosure using four 6-32
(3) Secure the cover to the enclosure using two
x 3/8 inch long screws.
6-32 x 3/8 inch long screws.
(2) Connect the appropriate leads (identified by
tags) to terminals on terminal board TB1.
(1) Remove and retain the two 6-32 x 3/8 inch
long screws fastening the cover to the enclosure.
Readjust the processor SENSITIVITY control and the
(2) Tag, identify, and remove the leads from
receiver GAIN control as outlined in paragraph 2-14.
terminal board TB1.
(3) Secure the cover to the enclosure using two
(3) Remove and retain the fourt 6-32 x 3/8 inch
6-32 x 3/8 inch long screws.
long screws fastening the PC board (microphone
Section V.
7-10. General
standards required for the determination of the
These testing procedures are prepared for use by
serviceability of assemblies maintained at the direct
electronic field maintenance ships and electronic
support (intermediate) category of maintenance.
service organizations responsible for direct support
(intermediate maintenance of electronic equipment).
These procedures set forth the specific requirements
When performing the procedures disconnect all test
that repaired electronic equipment must meet before
equipment at the completion of each step with the
exception of the power supply. Set the power supply to
it is returned to the using organization.
off when connecting and disconnecting test setups.
7-11. Performance Test Procedures
When connecting an audio generator to circuit points,
Chart 7-2 establishes the minimum performance
always isolate the signal lead with a .1 mfd capacitor.
Chart 7-2. Processor/Receiver Ultrasonic Passive Signal Performance Test Procedure.
Performance standard
Test procedures
Test equipment
Note: Interconnect receiver
to processor. Connect the ap-
propriate jumpers on TB3 to
insert the band rejection filter.
Insure a SYNC pulse is applied
from a processor/transceiver
ultrasonic motion signal.
Set power supply for 20 Vdc
Connect positive lead to ter-
Power supply
minal 7 and negative lead
to terminal 8 of TB1.
Connect between test point
a. Oscilloscope
TP2 and signal ground.
Connect between the junction
b. Audio Generator.
of R2 and R3 (receiver) and
signal ground.
Input level shall be 0.7 millivolts 3db
for 22 kHz with 1.2 volts
RMS indication at TP2 on
the oscilloscope.
Scope presentation indicates an output
b. Manually sweep the fre-
of 1.2 V 3db.
quency from 20 to 30
Note: A notch will be observed at 26.3 kHz where the
output reduces to near zero.
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