![]() Test equipment
Test procedures
Performance standard
Multimeter as continuity
Connect between terminals 1
For a no alarm condition the multimeter indicates, 110
and 2 of TB1.
Audio Generator
Connect between the junction
of R2 and R3 (receiver) and
signal ground.
Observe the multimeter for an alarm cycling indication
at 22 kHz and an output
approximately every 4.5 seconds.
at .7 millivolts.
Note: The audio generator is
pulsed on and off by setting the
switch to an adjacent position
and back to the original setting.
b. Pulse of audio generator
Multimeter should indicate 110 ohms.
off and short circuit the
INT test point to signal
ground to discharge the
integrator capacitor C27.
c. Apply a continuous pulse
Multimeter should indicate greater than 100 K (alarm
for 5 seconds.
d. Short circuit the INT test
Multimeter should indicate greater than 100 K (alarm
point to signal ground to
condition). Observe that the alarm condition dura-
discharge integrator
tion is 0.5 to 1.5 seconds.
capacitor C27. Apply 4
pulses (50 milliseconds
duration) over a 15
second period.
Interconnect the receiver with
Wideband ultrasonic
the processor using a test
signal generator.
cable of 500 feet long.
Adjust the receiver GAIN
control for a 10 db level
below maximum gain.
With the wideband ultrasonic
signal generator set for an
output level as specified in
its instruction manual for
a given distance, position
the unit directly in line
with the microphone.
Same as for corresponding performance standards for
Repeat test procedures b, c
and d above for step 3 using
step 3 above.
the wideband ultrasonic
signal generator instead of
the audio generator.
Connect as continuity measure- a . The tamper switch should open (infinity indication)
Multimeter as a continuity
with no less than 1-8-inch nor more than 1-4-inch
ment between terminals 5
and 6 of TB1 on the processor
of cover displacement.
b. Pull the tamper switch plunger out and verify that
continuity is restored (near zero resistance).
c . Replace cover and verify that continuity is again
obtained (near zero resistance).
Connect as continuity measure- a. The tamper switch should open (infinity indication)
Multimeter as a continuity
ment between terminals 5 and
with no less than 1/8 inch nor more than 1/4 inch
of cover displacement.
6 of TB1 on the receiver.
b. Pull the tamper switch plunger out and verify that
continuity is restored (near zero resistance).
c. Replace cover and verify that continuity is again
obtained (near zero resistance).
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