![]() f. While observing the ohmmeter, allow the
paper, and pull the wire to remove the insulation
junction box to move away from its mounting
from the last two or three inches of wire. Repeat this
surface. Observe that the ohmmeter reading
step for both wires being spliced together.
changes to greater than 100K ohms as the junction
(3) Take one of the wires and fold it in the middle
box is displaced from 1/8 to 1/4 inch away from the
of the section where the insulation was removed.
mounting surface.
Fold it again in the middle of the first fold. Repeat
this step for both wires.
g. Remove the cover and retighten the junction
(4) Insert folded section of each wire into the
box mounting screws, ensuring that the junction box
is secured to its mounting surface.
opposite ends of the tubular connector (PN TBD) and
crimp with the crimpers supplied with the kit. Insure
Steps a through g verified the operation of the cover and
that the wires are secure in the connector.
pry-off tramper switches.
2-7. Installation Checkout
grid wire network. The VOM should indicate less
This checkout is to be performed following the
than 1 ohm of resistance.
installation of the grid wire sensor, but before J-SIID
system wiring to the junction box is completed.
i. Move the VOM leads to terminals 3 and 4 (fig. 2-8)
and measure the continuity of the vertical grid wire
a. Using a VOM, connect the leads to terminals 5
network. The VOM should indicate less than 1 ohm of
and 6 (fig. 2-3). Route the leads of the VOM through
the conduit hole.
b. Place the cover securely on the junction box,
and measure the continuity of both grid wire
while monitoring the resistance between terminals 5
and 6 (fig. 2-3), and observe that the ohmmeter reads
networks. The VOM should indicate less than 1 ohm
of resistance. If infinity is indicated between termi-
less than 1 ohm.
nals 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, or 5 and 6, there is a break in
the appropriate grid wire network or jumper.
the cover away from the junction box. Observe that
continuity reads greater than 100K ohms as the
Determine the location of the break and repair. Care
cover is displaced from 1/8 to 1/4 inch away from the
must be exercised when overlaying materials on the
junction box.
network, to ensure that. breakage of the grid wires
d. Remove the cover and loosen the mounting
does not occur.
k. With no problems encountered in steps a
screws sufficiently enough to allow the junction box
to be moved from its mounting surface by at least 1/4
through g, the grid wire sensor is operative and
J-SIID system wiring may be installed. Once the
e. Replace the cover and hold the junction box
J-SIID system tiring of the grid wire sensor is
securely against the mounting surface, while observ-
completed, ensure that the cover to the junction box
is properly seated on the box and cover mounting
ing ohmmeter. The ohmmeter should read less than
screws are secured.
1 ohm.
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