![]() TM 5-6115-423-15
for high or low voltage.
control panel door on the left wall
(10) Control transformers. The control
of the case, It explains the operating
transformers reduce the 120 VAC to
procedure and automatic safety de-
nominal 28-volts. This voltage then
vices and shows connections for
goes to the rectifiers.
various load voltages.
(9) Schematic plate. The electrical sche-
4. Identification and Tabulated Data
matic plate (fig. 2) is attached to the
a. Identification. The load bank has 12
inside face of the air exhaust door at
major identification plates. The information
the back of the load bank. It illus-
contained on these plates is listed below.
trates complete unit w-i ring.
(1) C o r p s of engineers identification
( l o ) Load switch plate. The plate identi-
plate. The plate identifying corps of
fying the load switches (fig. 7) is
engineers U.S. Army Data is attached
attached to the control panel on the
to the right side of the load bank
left of the load bank. The plate indi-
case. It lists serial number, contract
cates load increments applied by each
load toggle switch.
number, shipping weight and other
(11) Master switch plate. The plate identi-
pertinent unit data.
fying the master switch (fig. 7) is lo-
(2) Company plate. The plate is located
cated on the control panel directly
just below the corps of engineers
above the load switch plate.
identification plate. It lists Sun
(12) Variable load control plate. The plate
Electric Corporation part number,
identifying variable load control (fig.
model number, stock number and
7) is located to the right of the load
contact number as well as the rating
switch plate. An arrow indicates a
of the load bank.
clockwise turn of the variable load
(3) Ground plate. The plate (fig. 2) is
control knob necessary to increase
attached to the cabinet below and to
the load.
the left of the control panel and di-
b. Tabuluted Data.
rectly below the ground connection.
(1) Load bank.
(4) Input selector plate. The input selec-
tor identification plate (fig. 2) is
Manufacturer___________________Sun Electric Corp.
attached to the baffle assembly in the
Type--__________________Portable skid mounted,
back of the unit. It identified the
self contained
connector plug connations.
Power____________________From connected power
(5) High voltage connector plate. T h i s
plate (fig. 2) is attached to the baffle
assembly at the rear of the load bank.
It identifies high voltage connector
receptacle, JIB.
(6) Low voltage connector plate. T h i s
elements. Fan cooled
plate (fig. 2) is attached to the baffle
with thermal overload
assembly at the rear of the load bank.
(3) Rectifier.
It identifies the low voltage connector
receptacle, J1A.
(7) Terminal plate. The terminal identi-
fication plate (fig. 8) is located on
the baffle to the right of the terminal
strip TB1. It identifies terminals L1,
L2, L3 and L0.
(8) Instuction plate, The plate with op-
erating instructions is attached to the
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