![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
end resting squarely against the wall or other support.
(3) Such protection from falling objects as are
The distance of the foot of the ladder from the base of
necessary in operating conditions shall be provided.
the wall support should be approximately one-fourth of
the length of the ladder.
6-68. Fork extension.
(2) Defective ladders. Ladders with cracked
The fork extension added to forklift trucks may reduce
rungs or defective or cracked rails will not be used.
the load carrying capacity of a truck rated at 25-inches
(3) In front of doors . A ladder will not be
load center approximately 20 percent when handling 60-
placed in front of a door unless the door is locked or
inch long loads (chap 4). The fork extension should be
otherwise blocked, barricaded, or guarded.
used only in handling loads of relatively light weight.
(4) Stock picking or storing. Ladders should
not be used when stock picking or storing in bin racks;
6-69. Ladders (29 CFR 1910.25; 1910.26; 1910.27;
the stock pickers cart described in chapter 4 will be
a. Construction. The regular rung-type ladder will
(5) Safety rules.
Safety rules will be
have the bottoms of side rails sheathed or covered with
observed and personnel
safety nonskid pads of corrugated or skidproof rubber,
(a) Will not reach sidewise more than
duck, or other skidproof material. Nails or screws
length of the arm.
securing such pads will be countersunk. The pads
(b) Will climb down and reposition the
should be inspected often and replaced when
considered unsafe. The regular rung-type ladder must
(c) Will position feet firmly on the
be constructed so that the rung ends set into notches in
the rails.
Only stepladders with safety hand and
guardrails should be used when such ladders are
(d) Will wear appropriate shoes for
necessary. Three sides of the top step of platform-type
protection against slipping.
stepladders will be protected with guardrails.
(e) Will clean all grease or oil from
Stepladders should have only two wheels to preclude
shoe soles.
unsafe movement of such a ladder when in use.
(f) Will not carry heavy units up or
Wheels should be attached to back legs.
down a ladder. Forklift trucks or stock selectors will be
used to elevate material.
b. Use.
(g) Will assure that the bottom brackets
of the upper section of extension ladders are properly
(1) Position. For safe use, the ladder must
secured by pins or rungs.
set on a firm, solid, and level base with the top
Section XIV. Manual Handling
nias, or those who have a history of previous back
6-70. Proper lifting method.
strains, will be assigned to duties that do not require
Persons who manually handle materials of any type will
heavy lifting. Lifting or lowering operations performed
be instructed in the proper method of lifting heavy
by several persons will be done on signal from one
objects. The proper way to lift heavy objects from the
individual and only after everyone's feet, hands, and
floor is for the lifter to stand close to the load, with feet
other portions of the body are clear.
slightly apart and solidly placed. With knees bent, the
mechanical means will be used for handling heavy
object will be grasped firmly and lifted by straightening
the legs, keeping the back as nearly vertical as possible.
When lifting from an elevated surface, the object will be
6-71. Precautions for manual handling.
brought as close to the body as possible to avoid an
unbalanced position. With a straight back, the lifter will
Safety precautions which apply to manual handling of
keep the load close to the body and will avoid carrying a
materials include the following:
heavy load a long distance without resting. The load will
a. Protective clothing or accessories, including
be carried in such a manner that full view is permitted.
gloves, face shields, goggles, and safety shoes will be
When lifting with another person, both persons should
worn as prescribed in paragraph e.
start and finish the lift simultaneously to prevent undue
b. Finger rings will not be worn.
strain on either person. Persons with existing her
c. Material will be examined for sharp edges,
protruding points, weakened places of ropes, or other
factors which may cause injury to personnel.
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