![]() CHAPTER 4
Section I. Basic Principles
4-1. General.
(2) Legal and physical restrictions in
reference to transportation (e.g., hazardous materials).
a. Definition. Materials handling is the movement
of materials to, through, and from productive processes
(3) The possibility of using unitized loads.
in receiving, storage, packing, and shipping areas.
(4) The standardization of equipment and
While materials handling practices vary, the basic
principles remain constant. Since these basic principles
(5) The combination of materials handling
are sometimes overlooked, certain underlying guidelines
must be recognized.
(6) Consideration of the safety hazards
b. Least handling is the best handling.
greatest economy in moving materials is secured by not
h. The length and number of moves of materials
handling the material at all. Since this situation rarely
should be kept to a minimum. Movement paths of
exists, an attempt must be made to keep handling to a
material should be studied for the possibility of reducing
"backtracking" and length of moves, resulting in better
c. Standardization of methods and equipment aids
utilization of equipment and personnel.
the materials handling activity.
Standardization of
i. Equipment capacities should never be
equipment results in the reduction of costs of operation,
exceeded. The rated capacities of equipment should
in that, maintenance, repair, storage, and issue
never be exceeded. Over-loading causes excessive
procedures can be simplified.
wear of equipment and creates additional accident
d. MHE must' be selected for a multiple number of
applications. Equipment selected should be chosen with
j. Analysis.
All materials handling operations
the consideration that flexibility is the key note (i.e., that
should be analyzed for improvement possibilities by
it can be used for multiple operations). Therefore,
elimination, combination, or simplification. Combination
emphasis must be given to the flexibility with which
of operations may result in the simplification and
equipment can be converted to handle other jobs.
reduction of the number of times that material has to be
e. Specialized equipment should be kept to a
Materials handling operations requiring
k. Selection of MHE is based on the economies of
special equipment are costly. Normally, first cost, cost
operation. These economies are measured in the cost
of operation, and maintenance costs are greater for
of moving the materials. Greater "pay loads" for each
special equipment than for standard equipment.
handling operation will result in less handling cost per
f. Volume dictates the method of handling
The number of pieces to be moved
l. The physical state of materials is a factor in
determines the method of handling. Regardless of the
determining MHE. The three physical states of material-
size, shape, or value of an item to be moved, the first
liquid, or gas-determine
the method of
question to be answered before the selection of method
containment (pack). Gases are contained in cylinders;
for moving is: How many pieces are to be moved?
liquids such as acids are contained in carboys; and
g. Advanced planning.
Planning on
solids such as sheet and bar stock metals may require
materials handling methods and equipment should be
wood skids. This, in turn, influences selection of MHE.
carried on simultaneously with other planning activities
m. Straight line flow.
The shortest distance
and undertakings with full recognition of present and
between two given points is a straight line. The time
future factors.
The most essential phase of any
required to travel a given distance is reduced by
program is planning. To be effective, planning activities
following a straight line.
in our organizations must be coordinated. As an
example, some of the factors requiring advanced
planning are
(1) Protection required against weather or
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