![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
n. All materials handling operations should follow a
defined method. What causes variation in the length of
maximum number of filled containers which may be
time required for handling a given product? The method
placed on its top.
used in picking up, carrying to, setting down, and
c. Container
Use. Containers
returning from is always the source of variation. The
should be designed for shipping and storage as well as
standardization of the method will provide a basis for
for use at point of use. It is often possible to design a
determining handling requirements.
It should be
container so that it acts as a hopper or supply bin for
recognized that establishing this method, normally, will
work in process. When this situation exists, storage
nor require detailed refinement such as that used in
area, cost of handling, and container costs may be
micromotion analysis.
o. Short, irregular moves lend themselves to
d. Unit load is basic, container incidental.
manual materials handling. Some materials handling
Regardless of the type of container used, the important
operations do not occur with any degree of
factor is the method of loading that container. Greater
repetitiveness. The use of equipment for such an
economy is obtained through the use of the unit load as
operation may be much more costly than manpower.
more material can be moved at a single time. The more
When moves are short, irregular, and load capacity of
pieces or pounds moved, as a unit load in a single
men not exceeded, it may be more economical to use
handling operation, the lower the cost per piece or per
pound and the shorter the time required to move any
p. Wherever practicable, materials should be
given volume.
e. Collapsible containers. These items require less
Prepositioning places
storage space when empty and can be returned at lower
(1) Containers in a position to facilitate
transportation costs. Because of the high transportation
picking up.
costs, it is important that a thorough study be made
before selecting returnable containers. Some of the
(2) Containers on a conveyor which reduces
factors to be considered in the selection of returnable
accidents and lessens equipment damage.
containers are
(3) Materials so they won't obstruct other
(1) First cost, including initial shipping from
material movements, which may result in reduced
container manufacturer.
materials and equipment damage and a reduction in the
number of accidents.
(2) Cost of transportation to and from its
q. Wherever practicable, materials should be
(3) Total investment required.
moved in a horizontal plane or with the aid of gravity.
During loading and unloading, personnel may have to
(4) Records involved.
reach either down or up. The excessive effort used
(5) Potential loss resulting from damage to
might have been greatly reduced if the workplace layout
had been planned. The ideal lifting position is at the
(6) Maintenance cost.
waist. The nearer to the waist that a container or part
(7) Accumulating, segregating, and storage
can be picked up and disposed, the greater will be the
space involved at both user and supplier stations.
(8) Conservation of material resources.
4-2. Containers.
(9) Number or reuses likely to be made.
a. Definition. A container is defined as a means
f. Containers must be standardized wherever
which provides the necessary enclosure, arranged so as
Standardization of containers facilitates
to properly retain the product and restrain its movement
materials handling, in that, carriers, loading and
to the degree necessary for protection in handling,
unloading devices, conveyors, measuring methods, and
storage, and transportation. The proper selection and
methods of handling can be standardized.
design consideration given to each container reduces
containers are standardized, the amount of equipment
loss or damage to parts and assures protection to the
necessary for handling can be reduced.
container, especially the reusable types.
g. Unit loads should be increased to the economic
b. Within feasible cost limits, minimum materials
maximum. Greater economy is obtained as the unit
with maximum strength should be used in container
load is increased, provided container or equipment
construction. When the possibility of tiering exists,
capacity is not exceeded. The more pieces carried in
containers should be so constructed as to support the
one load, the greater the efficiency.
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