![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
4-3. Material Movement.
i. Dock heights. These should, as nearly as
possible, be compatible with the bed height of carriers.
a. General.
Any material movement requires
This is primarily achieved with bridge plates or
adequate planning, MHE, manpower, and care.
permanently installed adjustable ramps.
Flexibility of the operations is required where a majority
of the material moved is widely varied. Operational
j. Expedited materials should be loaded and
standardization is generally more economical and
unloaded at a specific dock or location. Such items as
feasible where the material remains a constant type,
parcel post, air freight, and express have the tendency
size and shape, or requires the same handling
to congest dock areas unless ample facilities are
provided. Normally, the "detention time" for the agency,
acting as carrier of expedited material, is short; but the
b. Where economical, personnel should be
loading and unloading delays which they may create are
replaced with mechanical devices. Where volume, size,
and/or weight merit, mechanical handling devices can
be used economically. Such devices as conveyors,
4-4. Industrial Trucking.
industrial trucks, cranes, etc., aid the loading and
a. Definition.
Industrial trucks are defined as
unloading activity. Safety hazards can be reduced and
mobile equipment and accessories designed for
protection increased when mechanical devices are used
intradepot or on-base facilities materials handling. This
in place of personnel. The opportunity for loss and
covers a wide variety of mechanical equipment, each
damage of packages is greatly reduced when manual
designed to perform some materials handling job
handling is kept to a minimum.
efficiently. No one unit will perform all operations.
c. Proper movement will prevent damage. In most
b. An economic balance exists between the
instances, loose material is subjected to more damage
amount of equipment used and the volume of materials
than properly packed material. Adequate planning
handled. Too often the amount of equipment available
should precede any movement operation, recognizing
is not sufficient. This results in the use of more costly
such factors as center of gravity, adequate dunnage,
means of moving materials or not being able to keep up
heavy material on bottom, rated capacity of MHE,
with required schedules. The condition sometimes
possibility of container and product damage while in
exists where too many units are available; consequently,
there are idle units. Through proper performance
d. Points of material pickup and delivery should be
records and planning, the most economical number of
kept to a minimum. A larger number of pickup and
operating units can be determined.
delivery points will increase movement requirements,
c. The distance to be traveled is the principal factor
thus affecting manpower and costs. The possibility of
in determining the proper equipment. "How far" will
combining several pickup points into one central point
determine the equipment to be used. A tractor train is
should be considered.
more economical to use for long hauls than the fork
e. Where economical, material should be
truck. In some instances, manual movement is more
segregated by source or destination. In segregating
economical when the distances is just a few feet.
material by source or destination, unnecessary shuffling
d. Industrial trucking operational costs should be
and reshuffling of material is eliminated. Segregation of
analyzed. It is important that an operational cost record
material for this purpose is advantageous in all cases
be kept of every unit of equipment. This will provide
where volume is great enough to warrant it.
information which, among other things, may be used to
f. High priority items should be placed in an
improve preventive maintenance and the selection of
accessible location. Proper loading of high priority
new equipment.
material will expedite delivery at destination, so it can
4-5. Effective Utilization of Manpower.
readily be unloaded.
Manpower is the most basic method for handling
Throughout the materials handling
g. Area, materials, tools, and equipment should be
processing cycle, manual handling may occur. In view
provided at proper locations.
In the loading and
of this condition, each situation should be examined for
unloading of box cards, areas for dunnage, strapping,
possible improvement.
Where a known manual
strapping tools, lumber, tools, and other miscellaneous
handling operation exists, it should be accomplished in
equipment and supplies should be provided at easily
an efficient manner to preclude repetitive handling at
accessible points.
another stage in the material processing cycle. An
h. Ventilation.
Proper ventilation and lighting
example would be proper
facilities will aid in the reduction of errors and accidents.
Portable lights and fans should be considered on docks
where needed.
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