![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
palletizing of material at the receiving dock to eliminate
repalletizing at the warehouse where the material will be
Section II. Materials Handling Equipment.
The illustrations in this part show some of the basic
MHE and MHE accessories used by DOD Components.
The inclusion of MHE and MHE accessories in this
section does not preclude the continued use or adoption
of devices with similar purposes.
4-6. Manual Equipment.
a. Handtrucks. Handtrucks are useful in all types
of storage installations, particularly where mechanical
equipment cannot be employed because of space
limitations. They are often preferable to and more
economical than a piece of mechanical equipment for
the movement of a single item. The following types of
handtrucks have been adopted as standard for the
military services:
(1) Handtruck, warehouse, double handle-
type, two-wheel, solid-rubber tires.
The two-wheel
handtruck consists of two handles, a platform on which
the load rests, and a pair of wheels attached to the
bottom of the framework. A blade extends at an angle
from the bottom of the platform to retain the load, and
two metal legs are located on the top corners of the
platform to help bear the load when the truck is rested
flat on the ground. The platform may consist of flat
crossbars, which are used to handle boxes or crates, or
curved crossbars, which are used for barrels or drums.
The truck may be constructed of wood or metal. The
hardwood combination, straight and barrel-type, is not
Figure 4-1. Handtruck, warehouse, double-handle
illustrated. A magnesium, general utility type handtruck
type, 2-wheel, solid-rubber tires.
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