![]() TM 38-100/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
important when the floor of the platform is lower or
bon Monoxide. Normal control measures to protect
higher than the floor of the car or vice versa. Drive
health of personnel against such gases will not be
slowly when mounting or driving over the bridge plates
relaxed when MHE, with exhaust gas purification
in rainy weather, or when icy conditions prevail. Bridge
devices attached, are operated within enclosed and
plates will be
unventilated areas. Carbon monoxide detector tubes or
direct reading instrumentation should be obtained and
(1) Equipped with stops at both ends near the
used by trained personnel to measure carbon monoxide
edges of the platform or the car or truck to prevent plate
levels. Use of petroleum fueled MHE with exhaust gas
from sliding.
purification devices is warranted in high density confined
operations only when carbon monoxide poisoning is a
(2) Equipped with adjustable stops of
hazard and when battery-powered type is not available.
different lengths permanently located in channels or
When high density operations are performed, in closed
slots. The use of steel pins as stops is not authorized.
warehouses using petroleum fueled MHE, carbon
(3) Of sufficient length to provide support of
monoxide constant measuring instruments or indicators,
approximately 8 inches at all times.
fixed to area walls or mounted on mobile equipment, will
(4) So constructed to provide handholds for
be used in addition to the detector kit and indicator tube.
manually lifting or other means for lifting by fork truck.
Exhaust gas purification device(s) will be procured and
used only when authorized by the appropriate authority
(5) Constructed with a rough or checkered
of the military service having jurisdiction.
surface to reduce skidding or slipping.
(6) Equipped with safety curbs to prevent fork
truck runoff.
b. Bridge plates. Information on bridge plates
(dock-boards) is contained in 29 CFR 1910.30 and
(7) Marked to indicate the load capacity.
1910.178. A bridge plate must be strong enough to
(8) Checked frequently during lengthy
support the equipment and load which traverses it and
loading/unloading operations.
long enough to bridge the gap it spans with adequate
support area at both ends. The length, especially, is
Section XIII. Safety Practices for Non-powered MHE
6-67. Standard safety pallet (29 CFR 1910.178).
6-65. Hand trucks.
Standard safety pallet (described in para 4-10k) and not
a. Two-wheel hand truck. The two-wheeled hand
the ordinary pallet will be used with forklift trucks in the
truck will not be used to transport units of material heavy
following operations:
enough to cause undue strain or risk to personnel.
b. Barrel hand truck. Barrel-type hand trucks
a. To elevate personnel to a sufficient height
should be provided for personnel to move drums, large
above the floor of the warehouse for the purpose of
kegs of material, or other cylindrical units to prevent
storing material on an elevated pallet or when removing
rolling or slipping of the material causing possible
individual items from elevated pallets.
damage to material or injury to personnel.
b. To elevate personnel performing maintenance
c. Hand trucks with sparkproof wheels or rims.
work on the inside or outside of warehouses. Personnel
Hand trucks with sparkproof wheels or rims will be used
will not be elevated on the forks of the forklift truck
only for work requiring such equipment, in areas or
without the use of the safety pallet.
rooms where materials of highly flammable,
c. Whenever a truck is equipped with vertical only,
combustible, or explosive nature are stored or handled.
or vertical and horizontal controls elevatable with the
d. Non-powered hand pallet truck. Non-powered
lifting carriage or forks for lifting personnel, the following
hand pallet trucks will not be used to move loads in
additional precautions shall be taken for the protection
excess of rated capacity.
of personnel being elevated:
(1) A safety platform firmly secured to the
6-66. Use of crowbar.
lifting carriage or forks will be provided.
In areas or rooms where highly flammable, combustible,
(2) Means shall be provided whereby
or explosive materials are stored, a crowbar or pinch bar
personnel on the platform can shut off power to the
will not be used to pry or move material as sparks may
cause fire or explosion.
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