![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
weighted average). Above that level, headaches start,
h. Railroad tracks and unlevel roadways will be
and at higher concentrations, dizziness, fatigue, and
traversed at reduced speed, to reduce jarring of
general weakness are experienced.
material, and at an angle.
concentrations of carbon monoxide are fatal.
i. Tractors will not be used to push or pull railcars.
b. Ventilation. When gasoline-driven equipment is
used in confined areas where adequate natural
6-62. Warehouse crane safety rules.
ventilation is not available, artificial ventilation must be
The following safety rules are applicable to warehouse
supplied to prevent the average concentration in any
crane operations (29 CFR 1910.180):
space exceeding 50 parts of carbon monoxide per
million parts of air (time weighted average). Such
a. When entering or leaving a warehouse, the
ventilation may be obtained from ventilating systems, by
crane boom must be lowered to clear doorways and
portable blowers, or both.
other overhead obstructions.
c. Rate of development. The amount of carbon
b. The weight of crane and load must not exceed
monoxide developed by gasoline-driven trucks is
floor load limits.
dependent on the size of the engine, the adjustment of
c. Prior to actual turning of the crane, the operator
the carburetor, the condition of the spark plugs, and
must use extreme caution to swing the crane boom
timing of the distributor. An average engine in normal
sufficiently to avoid posts and stacked materials.
operation will give off 1 cubic foot of carbon monoxide
d. Suspended loads will be carried as high as
per hour per horsepower.
possible on the crane line, without fouling topping gear,
d. Atmosphere tests. Since the value of 1 cubic
in order to reduce swinging of load. The boom will be as
foot of carbon monoxide generated per hour per
near perpendicular as possible.
horsepower is only approximate, decisions on the
e. Before moving or lifting the load, the operator
amount of ventilation required for various operations
will ascertain the approximate weight of load to be
should be determined by tests in working areas with
moved in relation to crane capacity.
appropriate carbon monoxide detectors. Such tests
should be made regularly, since conditions of engines
f: Before moving the load, the operator will
may change, and it is difficult to determine the actual
determine what is to be done, where the load is to go,
amount of ventilation being furnished, particularly where
and the route to be traversed.
natural ventilation is used.
g. When the operator leaves the crane, a crane
e. Safety precautions. Gasoline engines in trucks
load will never be left suspended.
should be turned off when not in use. Gasoline engines
h. Sling lines will be securely attached, spread,
should not be permitted to idle in standby service for
and centered in relation to the load and, if necessary,
longer than 30 seconds. Gasoline engines should be
properly padded at edge crossings to assure safety and
checked at frequent intervals with a motor analyzer and
protection to material.
readjusted for maximum performance and minimum
carbon monoxide generation. Personnel will not be
raised crossings will be crossed at right angles to
permitted to work in buildings where concentration of
prevent undue swing of load.
carbon monoxide is greater than 50 parts per million
parts of air (time weighted average).
6-63. Carbon monoxide.
a. Characteristics. Carbon monoxide, a colorless,
6-64. Auxiliary equipment.
odorless, toxic gas, is contained in varying amounts in
a. Exhaust gas purification devices. Exhaust gas
the exhausts of almost all internal combustion engines.
purification devices of various types, designs, and
An engine with a rich mixture produces far more carbon
effectiveness are available from commercial sources as
monoxide than an engine with a lean mixture. When a
a component of an exhaust pipe or as a muffler for
cold engine is fired, the development of carbon
attachment to petroleum-fueled powered MHE and
monoxide is much greater than when firing an engine
vehicles. These devices are designed, when properly
that is warm. Carbon monoxide replaces the oxygen in
attached and maintained, to prevent accumulation of
the blood stream, in proportion to the amount being
lethal, toxic, and irritating exhaust gases in excess of
breathed; until the concentration has built up to a
the permissible limits established by the American
considerable amount, ill effects are not experienced.
Standards Association Code for Allowable Concentration
Most persons may breathe each working day, without
harm, air in which the concentration increases to 50
parts of carbon monoxide per million parts of air (time
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