![]() TM 38-100/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
These defects should be corrected before proceeding.
j. Chisels, hammer faces, and pliers which have
burred, chipped, or badly worn working surfaces or
d. All stacked cargo and materials will be arranged
edges will be replaced to prevent serious injury to eyes,
in an orderly manner for convenient and safe handling.
hands, or face.
e. Defective or broken strapping on cargo will be
k. Appropriate tools will be used for each job.
removed, repaired, or replaced. Face shield or goggles
For example, nail pullers will be used for opening boxes,
and proper gloves will be worn when cutting steel
strap or wire cutters for cutting metal strapping or wire,
strapping, and personnel will stand out of the way of a
snapping line of cut strapping.
l. Plugs will be disconnected when electrical
f. Drums will be rolled by pushing with the hands,
power tools are not in use.
not the feet.
m. Sharp edge tools will not be carried unshielded
g. Material will not be thrown from elevated places
in pockets.
to the floor or ground. Use suitable lowering equipment.
n. Hand operated trucks, dollies, and similar
h. Wheelbarrows, hand trucks, and other similar
equipment will not be parked in traffic lanes or
devices will not be overloaded. These devices will be
pushed, not pulled, except when going up inclines.
o. Cylindrical objects will be blocked to prevent
i. Defective carrying, towing, lifelines, or scaffold
line ropes will be replaced.
p. When working at high elevations, a lifeline and
safety belt will be worn if other safeguards are
q. Personnel will not reach around, over, or under
the moving part of any machine.
Section XV. Safety in Loading and Unloading Railroad Cars/Trucks and Trailers
6-72. Railroad cars (ref 29 CFR 1910.178).
gondola cars with cranes, all persons must be removed
from the immediate area before the lift is made. Unless
a. Protection. Blue flags or signals must be placed
required for rigging purposes, personnel should not be
at both ends of a car or cut of cars when personnel are
permitted to stand on top of the car while the load is
working in, on or under the cars. Tank cars shall be so
being raised, lowered, or swung into position.
protected when connected for loading or unloading.
e. Hopper bottom cars. Personnel will not be
When thus protected, the car or cars shall not be
permitted to work inside hopper bottom cars while
coupled to or moved. The supervisor or foreman in
material is being unloaded. Personnel will use a hopper
charge of the personnel loading or unloading the car(s)
car safety wrench to open and close hopper car doors to
shall be responsible for placing the blue flags or signals
prevent backstrains and injuries from falling materials.
and their removal. Train crews shall be informed of all
installation regulations relative to the use of blue flags or
f. Bridge plates. Bridge plates between platforms
and boxcars will be secured in position, either by being
anchored or equipped with devices which will prevent
b. Opening doors. Boxcar doors should be opened
with a car door opener to prevent backstrains and
injuries to personnel. Also, this will prevent material
g. Moving railcars. Railcars will not be pushed or
loosened in transit from falling and striking personnel.
pulled with fork trucks or warehouse tractors. Wheel
c. Checking contents. Contents of railroad cars
stops or other recognized positive protection shall be
provided to prevent railroad cars from moving during
will be checked for unsafe loads before starting to
loading or unloading operations. Positive protection
unload. Empty railroad cars should be checked for
shall be provided to prevent railroad cars from being
weak or broken floor boards and such boards repaired.
moved while dockboards or bridge plates are in position.
Steel plates should be placed in doorway areas while
loading with MHE. When unloading cars, steel plates
will be used over weak or broken floors.
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