![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
truck or trailer to prevent them from rolling while being
6-73. Trucks/trailers (ref 29 CFR 1910.178).
boarded with fork truck.
c. Bridge plates.
See paragraph 4la for
a. Flooring. Operators should check flooring for
information on the use of bridge plates.
breaks and weakness before a fork truck is driven over
d. Trailer safety jacks.
Safety jacks may be
necessary to support a semitrailer to prevent upending
b. Wheel chocks. Operators should ensure that
during the loading or unloading when the trailer is not
wheel chocks are positioned at the rear wheels of the
coupled to a tractor.
Section XVI. Building and Physical Equipment
6-74. Safety related to stairways (29 CFR 1910.23).
e. Only one person will enter a section of a
revolving door.
Safety precautions which apply to stairways include the
f. Door hardware must be kept in good repair.
Also, any device or alarm installed to restrict the
a. Unless steps in stairways are made of wood, the
improper use of an exit shall be so designed and
steps will have antislip treads.
installed that it cannot, even in case of a failure, impede
or prevent emergency use of the exit.
b. Stairways over 88 inches wide will have an
auxiliary handrail in center and one on each side; those
g. Safe and vault doors must be closed carefully.
over 44 inches wide, but less than 88 inches, will have a
Do not lock a vault door nor spin the combination lock
handrail on each side; those 22 inches to 44 inches wide
until assured that no one is inside.
will have at least one handrail.
6-76. Safety concerning elevators.
c. Stairway openings will be guarded with railings
a. Passenger. Safety precautions which apply to
which measure 42 inches from floor to top of railing.
passenger elevators include the following:
d. Stairway handrails will be not less than 30
(1) Qualified
inches nor more than 34 inches from the top of railing to
passenger elevators quarterly.
surface of the tread at the face of the riser.
(2) Any elevator found defective will be
Intermediate railings or suitable screening will be
plainly tagged and not used until repaired.
provided from top of handrails and quardrails to floor or
(3) All elevators will have signs posted
indicating the carrying capacity. The safe capacity for
e. Stairways will be well lighted and maintained
passenger elevators will be expressed in terms of
clean, dry, and free of slippery substances, refuse, or
maximum number of passengers to be carried.
stored material.
(4) Rated capacity of elevators will not be
f. Personnel will walk, not run, up or down
stairways and will use handrail.
(5) Non-automatic elevators will be operated
only by trained operators.
6-75. Safety concerning doors in warehouses.
(6) Caution will be exercised by anyone
entering or leaving elevators, by watching their step,
Safety precautions which apply to doors include the
and by not boarding or debarking while the elevator is in
a. Doors will be opened slowly. When opened
(7) Passengers will not be permitted in an
suddenly, a door can cause serious injury to personnel
elevator unless it is specifically authorized as a
near to or approaching from the opposite side.
passenger-carrying elevator.
b. Clear vision panels of average eye-level height
(8) A self-service elevator must be in proper
are desirable in solid doors, especially doors which are
position to board or debark. Do not enter or leave until
used considerably.
doors are opened fully.
c. Loose doorstops will be kept in a safe place
(9) Smoking will not be permitted in any
when not in use.
elevator. Signs to that effect will be posted.
d. Door spring or patented doo r closers will be
properly tensioned or adjusted to prevent the door from
b. Elevator operators. Safety precautions which
closing too rapidly.
apply to elevator operators include the following:
(1) The operator will not converse with
passengers except for business reasons.
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