![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
hemp center which acts as a storage medium for the oil.
i. Coverings will be left on the outside of rope
Wire rope should be kept away from all chemicals such
coils; lashings will be cut from the inside of the eye
as acids which attack the metal and alkali which will
leaving the covering intact.
destroy the internal lubrication. Damage by chemicals
j. Rope will be inspected to locate the inside end
is not always noticeable and the concealed weakness
which is in the eye (opening in center of coil) when
makes the cable dangerous to use.
opening a coil; all stock should be taken from this end.
b. Corrosion. Corrosion or rust weakens a rope but
k. Before cutting rope, whipping of yarn should be
it is almost impossible to ascertain the loss in strength.
applied on both sides of the proposed cut to pre- vent
Exterior loops of the rope should be examined
the strands from becoming unlayed.
frequently for signs of rust or corrosion.
1. Rope will be stored on reels, in bins or racks, or
c. Unwinding. When removing wire rope from a
on pallets according to the quantity and size to be
reel, the reel must be rotated on a spindle resting on a
cradle (fig 5-39), or a turntable, or by rolling the reels
along the floor. A surplus race from a gun mount may
5-30. Wire Rope.
be used as a turntable (fig 5-40). Wire rope should
a. Storage. Wire rope should be stored in a cool,
never be taken from one side of the reel as each wrap
dry place away from fumes, chemicals, heat, or
on the reel produces a kink in the rope which makes it
dampness and should be kept on the reel or spool until
unsafe for use. A short, angular bend, known as a "dog
used. If it is to be stored for a long period of time, the
leg," resulting from a partial kink will chafe on the
full length of the rope should be coated with a
flanges of the sheave and wear the rope prematurely at
preservative (MILC-16173, grade 1).
In the
that spot.
manufactured of wire rope, a lubricant is applied to the
Figure 5-39. Cradle for handling reels.
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