![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
water emulsion, and latex-type paints.
In colder
5-25. Lubricating Oils and Greases.
climates, these types should be stored in heated
When storing oils and greases, the following precautions
buildings to prevent freezing.
should be observed:
a. Store in fire resistant, sprinklered buildings or
j. Store in nonfireresistive, unsprinklered ware-
houses as a last resort only.
b. If a general warehouse is used, storage should
5-27. Life Floats.
be in end zones with immediate access to exterior
Life floats should be stored in a clean, dry, and covered
area; should not be exposed to the direct rays of the sun
c. Oils and greases should be separated from
or extreme heat; and should be stored with caution
blocks of other materials by aisles not less than 3 feet
against moisture accumulation in webbing and ropes.
Floats should be reversed or turned periodically. When
d. Oils and greases should be segregated from
handling life floats, care should be taken to prevent
highly combustible supplies.
damage to cork floats and webbing.
e. Exteriors of containers should be free of oil and
5-28. Linoleum.
f. Containers should be inspected before being
When storing and handling linoleum, the following
placed in storage and periodically thereafter.
precautions should be observed:
Containers which show signs of leakage, excessive
a. Linoleum should be stored in a vertical position
corrosion, or are otherwise unfit, should be removed
and in the original shipping container.
from storage. Contents should be removed from unfit
b. Heated or unheated storage of linoleum is
containers and transferred to satisfactory containers.
satisfactory; temperature from 0 to 120 . will not
g. Oils and greases in bulk storage should be
harm it.
c. At low degrees, linoleum should be handled
h. The height of stacks and the size of blocks
carefully as it will crack if dropped.
should comply with regulations governing floor load
d. When removing linoleum from trucks and
capacities and ceiling heights.
boxcars, do not drop crates over stringers.
5-26. Paints.
5-29. Fiber Rope.
Paint, varnish, lacquer, thinner, and shellac should be
When storing fiber rope, the following precautions
stored as follows:
should be observed:
a. Where facilities are available, paint and paint
a. Fiber rope will always be stored in a cool, dry,
materials will be stored in hazardous materials facilities
and covered space as heat and moisture cause
(see TM 38-410/DLAM 4145.11/NAVSUP PUB 573/AFR
69-XX/MCO 4450.XX, Storage and Handling of
b. When manufactured, fiber rope is impregnated
Hazardous Materials).
with oil which adds 10 percent to the weight. The rope
b. If such space is limited, supplies bearing
deteriorates as the oil leaves the rope.
c. Rope will be protected from the direct rays of
(flammable types) will be given preference.
the sun.
c. If a general storage warehouse is used, storage
d. Adequate ventilation will be maintained in rope
will be in the end zone with immediate access to exterior
storage areas at all times.
e. When properly stored, rope loses its strength
d. Containers of paints will be segregated from
because of age at about 2 percent per year; life of rope
highly combustible supplies.
will be shortened by presence of mold, acid, or water.
e. Before placing in storage, containers will be
f: Rope will not be stored near acid, batteries,
inspected for leaks.
chemicals, or alkalies and will be removed from all
f. Good ventilation will be provided.
danger of fumes from such materials.
g. Containers of paint should be palletized be- fore
g. Rope up to 2 inches in circumference will be
wrapped in burlap or waterproof paper.
h. Containers of paint should be located so as to
h. Rope will never be put into storage while wet or
facilitate issue on FIFO basis.
covered in a manner that will cause it to retain moisture.
i. Paints, in general, should be stored in a cool,
dry place with exception of bituminous camouflage,
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