![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Cement put into storage will not be disturbed until it is
issued. Restacking or shifting (to avoid warehouse
pack) exposes the cement to air circulation which
increases the absorption of moisture.
5-33. Navigation Timepieces.
a. Security. Timepieces should be stored in a
room which has adequate security facilities. This room
should be located away from the shock and vibration of
machinery, air conditioned, and free of dust.
b. Temperature.
The controlled temperature
should be maintained near 70 . (+5 .), with an RH
of not more than 50 percent.
c. Unpacking.
When received from the
observatory, the timepieces should be unpacked,
wound, uncorked or unlocked, started, and set to
Greenwich Central Time and given a 10-day run with
daily winding and rating prior to storage. After the 10-
day run, the timepieces should be allowed to run 48
hours more, then stopped and corked or locked, and
Figure 5-40. Wire rope dispensing turntable.
d. Storage. When not running, all navigational
d. Cutting. Before cutting any wire rope (including
timepieces should be inverted every 30 days to
preformed rope), apply three seizings on each side of
redistribute the oil on lubricated surfaces. When the
the proposed cut. If cutting is done by an acetylene
timepieces has been in storage 6 months, and not more
torch, the seizing can be omitted as the wires and
than 8 months, wind, start, and allow to run for 5 days
strands will be welded together.
with daily winding; after the timepieces have operated
for a period of 2 days, they should be rated for 3 days.
5-31. Clay Targets.
At the conclusion of this 5-day trial period, the
Clay targets are fragile items and the handler always will
timepieces should be stopped and returned to storage.
comply with the marking "this end up." Clay targets
Suitable shelving or cabinets should be provided for all
should be palletized and stored in storage racks or
pallets and pallet support sets.
Machine Tools and Production Equip-
5-32. Cement.
a. Reference. Detailed information concerning the
of cement are as follows:
preparation of machine tools and similar equipment for
(1) Moisture.
extended storage will be found in MIL-STD-107 and in
joint publication TM 38-260, NAVSUP Pub 523, AFR 71-
(2) Movement or circulation of air.
18, MCO 4870.62, DLAM 4145.9, Preparation of
(3) Failure to observe FIFO issue procedure.
Industrial Plant Equipment for Storage or Shipment.
(4) Warehouse pack (packing of lower sacks
b. General. Most machine tools are large, bulky,
of cement when stacked too high for a long period of
and heavy; this fact should be considered in laying out
Large, unwieldy pieces of equipment and
b. Method of storage . Cement will be stored in dry
unusually heavy items should be stored as close to
covered storage areas. The circulation of air should be
removal aisles as possible.
Machine tools vary
held to a minimum as air carries moisture. Cement will
considerably in weight, shape, and size, but this does
be stacked away from walls to avoid condensation or
not mean that the tools can be placed haphazardly in
the storage warehouse. Machine tools should be lined
c. Pallet storage. Cement will be palletized not to
up by type and arranged so that adequate aisle space is
exceed four courses high per pallet. Pallet loads will not
provided, not only to facilitate inspection, but also to
be stacked more than two high unless aids are used to
provide easy removal without disturbing other units.
support the weight of superimposed pallet loads.
This equip-
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