![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-1. Diagram of leather apron for use in the handling of lumber.
(2) Protective gloves. Gloves that provide
adequate protection from slivers or splinters must be
worn by lumber handlers.
5-2. Handling Methods.
a. Receiving. Lumber is normally received as
strapped units on gondolas, flatcars, or trucks. The use
of automatic and hand applied strapping and improved
handling equipment has nearly eliminated handling
boards one at a time. When lumber is unitized and
loaded, as specified in MI-L14362, Unitizing and
Loading of Lumber, the lumber may be moved by crane,
forklift, straddle carry truck, or sideloader, eliminating
manual handling (chap 4, sec II depicts MHE). Lumber
Figure 5-2. Diagram of bolster for use with a 57-
received in this manner should be placed on bolsters for
inch straddle carry truck.
transport. When drafts do not meet requirements for
storage because of moisture content, improper
(2) As the lumber is placed in storage, the
stickering, or other causes, the units should be
empty bolsters are removed and stacked for return to
reunitized (in accordance with para 176) to correct the
loading/unloading sites. These stacks are prepared by
deficiencies prior to being placed in storage.
placing two or more bolsters in position for pickup and
b. Bolsters.
solid piling other bolsters across them. Each successive
(1) Bolsters should be constructed in
layer of bolsters is cross piled to bind the stack securely
accordance with specifications shown in figure 5-2,
for stability while being transported.
except that the width of the straddle carry truck, if used,
will determine bolster length. In selecting timber for
5-3. Formation of Lumber Drafts.
bolsters, care should be exercised to select solid straight
grained wood, as bolsters will be subject to excessive
a. General. The handling and transporting of
strain in the lifting and transporting of materials.
lumber in drafts and stacking lumber in drafts have
Hardwoods are preferable for construction of bolsters;
become accepted practice throughout the lumber-
however, when hardwood is not available, straight grain
producing and wood-using industries. These practices
Douglas fir or larch may be used.
have brought about changes in yard layout and in
stacking methods. Although the
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