![]() CHAPTER 5
Section I. Lumber
well dried wood. Lumber may be treated with a
5-1. General.
preservative in accordance with section 5 of MIL HDBK-
The information and instructions in this section are
7 to prevent infestation for longer storage periods. If
designed to aid personnel performing lumber storage
infestation occurs during drying, the fungus will continue
and handling operations.
to live in a dormant state for months or years after the
wood dries and will resume activity if moisture content
again becomes high enough. A key to preventing
Further technical data with respect to
deterioration during long-term storage is to eliminate
lumber storage can be found in MIL
infestation during drying and to keep the wood dry in
storage. All lumber must be checked thoroughly at the
Products. That portion of section 6
time of receipt for moisture content and fungus
of the handbook, dealing with
infestation before storage. The preparation for storage
handling and storage of lumber, is
and the type of storage will be based upon the results of
superseded by this manual.
these checks. It is important, especially when lumber is
received in drafts, to choose drafts from different parts
a. Storage and materials handling. The advances
of each shipment and disassemble the drafts for
made in the mechanized handling of lumber have
examination; unless this procedure is followed, the
changed storage and handling methods.
condition of the lumber inside the draft cannot be
development of handling equipment such as forklift
Lumber presents unique problems in
trucks and straddle carry trucks that can be used to
storage. Special piling methods are necessary to
stack, unstack, and transport lumber, has brought about
provide proper ventilation that will prevent deterioration
revolutionary changes; the most notable being the
of the lumber. The method of stacking each shipment
handling of lumber in packages. Regardless of whether
of lumber must be determined by competent personnel.
lumber is handled by mechanized equipment or by
manual labor, the objectives of storage and handling are
d. Ordering lumber.
b. Objective of storage and materials handling.
As emphasized in the paragraphs above, the length of
The objective of lumber storage is to maintain the
storage time and moisture content of lumber greatly
lumber at, or bring it to, a moisture content suitable for
affects the lumber's condition. Only the quantity of
its end use with a minimum of deterioration. The
lumber that will be used during a reasonable period of
objective of lumber handling is to load, transport,
time should be ordered. If the storage activity knows
unload, stack, and unstack lumber economically and
that the lumber will be stored for an extended period of
without damage. Both of these objectives are obtained
time or a history of wood decay problems exists, then
easily if good handling and storage practices are
the lumber should be ordered requiring either stickering
followed. Adequate protection of lumber in storage will
prior to shipment or dry (less than 19 percent moisture
help prevent attack by fungi or insects, as well as
content) lumber with no substitution.
changes in moisture content, which encourage checking,
warping, twisting, and straining in lumber and make it
e. Protective equipment.
unsuitable for the intended use.
c. Condition of lumber placed in storage. The
(1) Lumber apron. The lumber apron for use
condition of lumber placed in storage, with respect to
in lumber handling should be constructed in accordance
moisture content and possible fungus infestation, has an
with the specifications outlined in figure 5-1. The apron
important bearing on the subsequent qualities of the
should consist of a soft leather backing faced with heavy
lumber over long periods.
Fungi (wood rot) and
leather three-sixteenths of an inch or more in thickness.
subterranean termites infecting wood are retarded in
The two pieces of leather should be riveted together and
their growth when the moisture content of the wood is
supported by a belt 11/2 inches in width or wider to
lower than 20 percent; however, dry wood termites,
ensure adequate distribution of the weight of the apron
powder post beetles, and other wood borers can develop
and lumber being handled to prevent cutting or
successfully in
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