![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
since the last inventory that would explain the
means. When this happens, and the storage cannot be
discrepancy and preclude report of survey actions.
explained by offsetting adjustments, erroneous posting,
m. When an approving authority is examining
or improper shipments, they will direct preparation of DD
inventory adjustment reports prior to approval, they may
Form 200 (Report of Survey). This form will be
decide through personal judgment and experience that
prepared by the responsible officer and processed in
an item shortage may be due to loss through pilferage,
accordance with applicable service agency regulations.
theft, or other unauthorized
DD Form 200 is not used by Army users.
Section VI. Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS)
3-38. General.
feedback information will be used to supplement the
Caring for supplies to assure a ready-for-issue condition
regular cyclic inspection to evaluate the adequacy of the
is an important task. The DOD Components prepare
COSIS program.
and publish detailed instructions to provide for the care
of items for which they have management responsibility.
Table 3-3. Inspection Frequencies for Material not
Such publications will agree with the policies of this
Covered by Storage Serviceability Standards
manual. The use of quality control techniques and
Type of Storage
storage serviceability standards will enable a COSIS
program to be accomplished at minimum cost with
CH (or equivalent rating when such rating has
optimum efficiency. Quality control and deterioration
been approved by higher authority ..........
data will be generated to be used for improving
standards of serviceability, specifications, and
Controlled temperature warehouse ............
procurement quality standards.
Noncontrolled temperature warehouse .......
3-39. Policy.
a. A program for COSIS must include a quality
Shed/transitory shelter ..............................
control system for inspection and/or test, a system for
reporting and recording quality control data, provisions
Open .........................................................
for the entry of true condition code of material into item
balance records, exercising applicable material, and a
3-40. Objectives.
system to assure corrective actions are accomplished
The objectives of a COSTS program are to
on material deficiencies uncovered by inspections.
a. Maintain material readiness posture in CONUS
DOD Components will determine the degree of activity
and overseas commands at an optimum level.
required in each phase of the program and establish
b. Assure that the true condition of material is
procedures. Major factors affecting the degree of
known and recorded through cyclic inspections and
activity are the type of item, type of storage provided,
and anticipated length of storage.
c. Provide a basis for realistic workload forecasts
b. For material not covered by storage
to determine and substantiate budget and manpower
serviceability standards or other adequate inspection
procedures, frequency of material inspection (excluding
d. Assure that only material representing current or
shelf-life items) will be based on the type of storage
anticipated supply system requirements is scheduled
provided for the material (table 3-3). Frequency of
and packing to
inspection for shelf-life items will be based on expiration
preclude expenditure of resources on excess or obsolete
c. Adequate protection from the elements and
e. Permit adjustments in storage inspection
environmental conditions will be provided by means of
frequencies and quality control efforts to provide greater
proper storage facilities, preservation, packing, or a
efficiency and economy through analysis of data
combination of these measures.
concerning variation in deterioration rates.
d. The results of quality data generated from
analysis of inspection of items during shipping, set
3-41. Responsibilities.
assembly, special inspections directed by the item
a. The care of supplies is an integral part of the
manager, customer complaints, and other quality
storage and quality control responsibilities.
discharge these responsibilities properly and with a
minimum of cost, a carefully developed program is
necessary at all echelons.
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