![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
quality of the inventory through failure to make
h. In striving for accuracy, nothing can be left to
adequate preparations. The following are some of the
chance. When conducting the physical count, be sure
storage situations that may be observed in a pre-
you know what you are counting-do not guess. You
inventory survey.
cannot count what you cannot see, so examine bulk and
(1) During a preliminary survey, you may
bin locations carefully.
discover conditions such as a pallet rack containing
i. During the first count phase, the quantities
material stored in such a manner that many handling
indicated on containers and pallet and/or stack cards
actions would be necessary to determine quantities.
may be accepted provided an examination of the
When material is originally palletized, every effort
containers reveals no obvious errors. All irregularities
should be made to place containers in such a manner
(warehousing deficiencies) will be reported to the
that nomenclature and quantities can be easily seen.
appropriate activity for correction.
(2) No markings on some of the containers
j. Remember, it does not pay to take too much for
and loose pieces in a rack location mean opening,
granted. Although original containers or packages that
counting, and repackaging most of the stock, thereby,
have been packed and sealed locally, need not be
increasing the chance for error. This is a condition
opened for inventory, counters should be continuously
which should be eliminated during the preliminary
alert for questionable containers. If there is a reason to
believe that the quantity is inaccurate or the
(3) When material is cartonized and placed to
identification doubtful, the container should be opened,
facilitate convenient recording of quantities without
verified, and count recorded accordingly.
removal of stocks from the rack, time will be saved.
k. Incorrect counting is the prime example of how
Original containers such as these, or sealed and
erroneous adjustments and secondary counts are
properly marked packages, need not be opened for
generated. Counts should be recorded in terms of
inventory counting.
quantity times unit pack times pallet (if applicable).
(4) Loose bin stocks placed in unit packs
Modern scales are accurate to the weight of a paper clip
accelerates the process of counting and helps to
and should be considered when available. After you
eliminate counter errors.
have recorded your count, give it a second look to
(5) Identification and quantities should be
assure that what you are going to report is correct.
exposed in such a manner that counting will be a simple
l. An important part of every inventory is the
research and investigation conducted on discrepant
(6) Another situation which can cause
items prior to and after the stock records are adjusted.
counting errors is a multi-item stack. A careless counter
(1) Research and investigation is the
could inventory the whole stack as one item. Open
responsibility of the inventory and stock accounting
boxes that are not labeled as open boxes in the stack,
activities. Inadequate research actions will result in
and markings not visible on the box, will also cause
unwarranted adjustments and increase the number of
problems. Storing more than one stock number in a
complete inventories. A review, prior to updating stock
bulk storage stack should be avoided.
records, could eliminate an inventory adjustment.
(7) Another example of warehousing which, if
(2) Retain documents considered during the
not recognized, could cause an inventory error is when
inventory phase to determine if material was infloat or if
multiple rows are the same item, but one row has a
change had occurred which affected the quantity
different size box. An inventory counter, if not alert for
identified or condition of the item. After adjustments
such a condition, might believe these boxes are another
have been processed to the stock records, a complete
item and omit the quantity from the total stock in
and through investigation will be made on items
designated by the accountable officer. Research lists
f. Now that we have approached the starting point,
prepared from the adjustment routine must be screened
let's take a final look at our pre-inventory checklist to
and transaction activity histories prepared on each
assure that we take off in the right direction. When all
major discrepancy. Review histories for receipt, issue,
points check affirmative, we can proceed with physical
and adjustment documents prepared during inventory,
count and get the inventory off the ground, g. When
which may have been in-float at the time count was
starting your physical count, all actions should be aimed
conducted. Determine whether there are posting errors
at one target-ACCURACY. To hit this bull's-eye means
or adjustments of offsetting quantities
a successful inventory with a minimum of effort and
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